Chapter 18 - Homecoming

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Natasha was in a deep sleep when something woke her up. It took seconds for her to realize it was the sound of a helicopter. She jumped up and walked to the window to see a helicopter landing on the front lawn.

Without hesitation, she ran down the stairs and out the front door, barefoot and in pajamas, and ran through the grass to meet Steve. He started to jog with his bags over his shoulder when he saw her. When he was close to her, he dropped his bags on the grass and picked her up with a hug. He nuzzled into Natasha's neck and sighed contently and planted a firm kiss on the side of her cheek. "I am so glad to see you," he said loudly over the helicopter noise. Natasha wrapped her legs around him and he held onto them as he tapped one single finger down to his pants pocket to make sure he still felt the ring box.

Steve turned around with Natasha still in his arms and waved at the pilot who was grinning from ear to ear. He lifted the helicopter into the air as Steve focused his attention back on Natasha. "Hold on tight," Steve smiled and he leaned down to the ground to grab his bags. He didn't mind being a mule carrying the bags and Natasha. He couldn't put her down now. Not after being away from her for over a week when she'd just told him she loved him.

Steve nudged the front door open with his foot and dropped his bags inside the dark hallway. He returned his hands to her back and she let go a little bit, enough to be able to see his face. Steve kicked the door shut with his foot and started kissing her firmly. He didn't come up for air and finally Natasha pulled back and said "Steve, what's gotten into you?" It wasn't a complaint.

He felt the heat rise to his face as he said sweetly "I just missed you, baby." He stood there in the dark, holding her and kissing her until he couldn't take it anymore. He pulled back and breathily asked "Do you want to..."

"YES," she said, interrupting him as she felt something hard starting to press into her bottom. Waves of pressure and heat started to radiate through her.

Steve swung her legs around to one side and carried her up the stairs in his arms, bridal style. Natasha caught glimpses of his face in the dimly lit hallway and noticed the stubble he was sporting. It explained why the area around her mouth felt like it was brush burned. But she wanted more.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked.

Steve leaned down to kiss her on the mouth and hummed into it "Mmm, I'm sure."

He put her down when they got to the top of the stairs and she returned immediately to kissing him. She didn't even stop while she pulled his jacket off and tossed it aside. Natasha started stepping backwards to her bedroom and pulling him along. Inside the bedroom, she pulled off his shirt and pulled him down onto the bed.

"You're in a hurry, aren't you?" he chuckled.

"I can't help it, Steve. I've been waiting a long time for this." She ran her fingertips over the muscles on his chest.

Steve rubbed his hand over the side of her face. "So have I," he said seriously.

She turned her face towards his warm hand and swallowed. "Steve, will you make love to me?" She laughed softly. "I'm sorry, does that sound corny?"

He leaned over and began kissing her softly, focusing on her bottom lip. "Tasha, I want you so much."

The hair on her arms rose up when he said that. No one's ever said that to me before, she thought.

Steve moved closer to her and rolled her gently onto her back. "I'm taking my time with you," he smiled. Natasha thought it was the sexiest smile she had ever seen. He bent down to start kissing her neck and her chest and she moved her head around when he found just the right spots. Feeling his warm breath and body on her created just the right balance to stave off the chill in the room. She rested her hands across his shoulders and tried to memorize every move he made. Steve kissed down her neck to her shoulder and moved the strap of her tanktop, kissing further down her shoulder. He repeated the same with the other side.

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