Work out

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Saturdays is where I go out for my jogs. I don't mind not having a muscular body like every other guy. I just want it slim. I had my music in blasting. My lungs were a little sore. I decided to sit down on the bench. Some guy was sitting there and I sat next to him. I was breathing hard, sweating.
"Are you sweating," the guy next to me asked.
I rolled my eyes."No, I'm immitating a water fountain."
"Okay, no need for the attitude," he said.
I continued resting.
"So, my name is Elliott," he said as if I fucking asked him. "Yours?"
I didnt say anything.
"Well, then, no name," he chuckled. "Nice to meet you. Where you from?"
I still didn't say anything. Why was he so happy to see me? I know I'm an awesome person, but damn.
"I'm guessing you're Mexican," he said. "Must be nice there, huh?"
"I've never been...."
"Look, you seem like a nice dude and everything, but can"
"....Okaaaay.... who pissed in your cereal this morning?" he asked.
"I don't talk to strangers," I explained.
"Then how will you make friends?" he giggled.
I stared at him. "Isn't that how pedophiles lure children?"
He was silent.
"Anyway, byyyye."

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