The return of Elliott

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On my next Saturday jog, guess who was happy to see me again.
"Hey, friend!"
I sighed. "Hey, Elliott."
"Wonderful weather."
I decided to give him a chance. He could be amazing. It's about time my only friends weren't just Mike and Chris.
"So, my name is Thomas," I said.
"Thomas? Like 'Thomas and Friends?" Elliott asked. His face brightened as I finally let my guard down.
I rolled my eyes."Shut up."
"How old are you?" he asked.
"Me too."
"Cool," I said.
"We're both old enough for learner's permit," he said.
"Yeah," I laughed.
"What school do you go to?"
I told him.
"I'm going there in a couple of days," Elliott said.
"Really?" I said. "You're that kid I heard about?"
"Yeah, we moved here just last week. I'm here with both my parents."
"You're lucky to have both parents," I said." My mom died just 2 years ago."
"Aww, I'm sorry."
"It's cool," I said.
"Who do you live with?" Elliott asked.
"My brother and father," I replied. "My brother is 12."
"I wish I had a sibling."
After the jog, I went home.
Elliott is actually pretty cool. Dim-witted, but cool.

Rene texted me.

Rene: Wer r u :(

I texted back.

Thomas: Just got back from my jog with this one friend.

Rene: What friend?

Thomas: His name is Elliott.

Rene: Is he cute?;)

Thomas: Actually yeah. The last time i saw him, i didn't pay much attention to his looks cus he kept annoying me. you'll like him.

Rene: look at my bess fraaan. gettin him some dick.

Thomas: he's probably not even gay. well, we cant just assume so but....

Rene: Go for it.

Thomas: See, dear friend. u can't just ask every guy if they're into men. especially when you're in the closet. he's cool but not that cool.

Rene: suit urself. no pressure.

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