My Hero

467 15 6

December 25, Sunday

"*Ding dong!*"

My eyelids popped open at the shrill sound, as it rang through the walls and disturbed my sleep.

Glancing at the digital clock placed on my dresser beside the bed made me groan for it signaled the time of 2:51 in the morning.

"*Ding dong!*"

Another doorbell ring! Who the hell would go to my house at this time of hour?? I covered my ears with the ends of my pillow and waited for Aranea to get the door.

Then I remembered she was still on this stupid faculty get-away party or whatever.

"*Ding dong!*"

My body reluctantly stood up, and I randomly kicked my backpack that was on the floor in annoyance, then trudged down the stairs.

"*Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong–"

I pulled open the front door and glared hard at the person. "What!!!!!!!!"

The guy in front wearing earmuffs and a blue jacket took in my appearance, and then gave a stupid, buck-toothed grin at me. "Good early morning, Miss Vriska. Merry Christmas!"

>::::/ "Eg8ert?" I asked in confusion.

I'm not sure why he kept smiling, but then I remembered the time and that I wasn't wearing any makeup, and was also sporting a puffy pair of Spider-Man pajamas – plus a tank top that had an 8 cue ball as its front design.

"What the damn hell are you doing here?!" I shrieked in mortification, as I tried to cover my face and outfit with the door.

John shrugged and lifted his arms up in the air like in the movie The Sound of Music. "It's Christmas! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the amusement park and see Christmas lights. They only set it up once a year."

I sighed. He woke me up just to see a bunch of tiny colored lights? "Can't you invite some8ody else? I kind of don't look decent, if you haven't noticed."

"What?" John stared at me quizzically. "I think you look stunning without makeup."

My cheeks suddenly felt hot and I realized I just blushed, which felt a little weird because I hardly ever blush.

"Especially that blue lipstick you wear sometimes?" he continued, "I mean, it makes you very pretty and all, but you do know that most lipsticks contain fish scales, right? They're the reason why your lips gleam?"

I opened my mouth to say something but John apparently had more to say. "Plus, if you put lipstick on every day, in a few years from now, your lips will become all dry and would hardly be colored pink anymore! I think you wouldn't like it if your lips–"

"Thanks for the info, Earmuffs McGee," I cut him off. "8ut I'm not interested to go anywhere with you."

"Oh come on, please?" John pouted. "You have to see the lights! Plus, this is the only day the amusement park's gonna be open for twenty-four hours." Then he looked dubious. "What, do you have plans already?"

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