A mysterious letter, and a good cause.

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At the world meeting everything was going to the same. America was spouting nonsense, italy was talking about pasta, France, Spain, and Prussia were doing whatever they do. Germany was trying to get work done, and the micro-nations were distracting everyone.


The entire room became quite at his outburst.

Germ: Every nation, including the micro-nations, are here today, so will you be willing to shut your mouth and let us get some work done?

Scot: Why should we listen to you? I think I could be a great leader!

Germ: Because *punches scotland* You don't question my authority!

Scot: *on the floor noise bleeding* Got it.

Wy: Not that I'm not happy to be here, but why are we all here? You guys never invite us Micro-nations.

Sealand: Maybe they will finally recognize us as really countries!

Eng: In your dreams, you little twat!

Germany place a small piece of paper on the table and passed around photocopies of it.

Germ: Late last night, someone nocked on my door. When I went to go check it all that was there was this letter.

The countries looked down at the paper, it read,

To the country of germany,

Tomorrow, ensemble all the nations and micro-nations of the world.
At exactly 12:00 something that will change the world will happen.
All must be there.

Italy: Ve~ What is that supposed to mean, doitsu?

Germ: I'm not sure, but if it's important enough to have been brought to me directly them I'm sure it's important.

Romano: OR it could be a lame prank, you potato jerk.

Germ: Ja, well we'll see in a few minutes.

They all looked at the clock, it read 11:58. The tension in the room was clear.  11:59. All eyes were on the clock. Then it happen. As the clock hand reached 12:00 a flash of light appeared. It was chaos for a few seconds and then everything settled down.

France: What happened?

Canada: I'm not sure?

Wy: Oi, Sealand are you alright?

Sealand: Yeah, but what was that!?

There was a large book on the table. Why another flash of light Rome, and Germania appeared.

Rome: Hello everyone.

Italy: Ve~ Grandpa Rome! I-a thought you were-a dead.

Rome: Technically I am, but desprit situations call for desprit actions.

Romano: Great now there-a two-a of the, potato jerks.

Germania just Scoffed and pointed at the book.

Germania: we have realized over the past years that many of our children have been silently suffering. We are here to help you.

Germany: So I take it you where the one that left the note.

Rome: Yeah, but we cannot stay long, all that we can say is read the book. It if full of diary and journal entrees, and while you are here time is frozen, so take as long as you want. Help one another. Oh Romano.

Romano: What do-a you want-a old man.

Rome: *sigh* I want you to know that I never favored Feliciano over you. I love both of you so much.

And with that they were gone. It had left the room speechless, puzzled looks were on many face, some countries' faces were pale.

Geem: Well I guess we should begin.

So how did you like it.
Imma kill you with feels.
Well cya

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