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This was requested by MCookieM

There was alot of tension in the room. The nations now we're hoping nothing to bad would come up next.

Germ: *cough* Vell I guess we should continue zhen we'll get some lunch. zhis seems to be Canada's and Polan's, Why is everyone trying to bring Sexy back, I've been here the whole time.

Canada's face was fifty shades of red, while Poland just smiled not fazed at all.

Cana: I forgot I wrote that.

Ameri: Dude, just wow! I can't believe wrote something like that.

Polan: Well Liet knows that I'm, like, the sexiest person here.

Lithuania: Uh, sure.

Germ: Okay well this seems to be Lithuania's, Lithuania is naturally a nervous person, and so he often suffer from frequent anxiety attacks. His friends try to help when it happens, but only America, Poland, and Prussia can truly calm him down.

Ameri: Yeah dude, you know well always be there for you.

Polan: Yeah, your, like, my best friend.

Prus: If jou vere able to beat zhe awsome me, zhen jou are just as awsome.

Lithuania was blushing from all the nice things they said, it was nice for him to get this type of attention from time to time.

Germ: Hm?

Italy: Ve~ What's-a wrong Germany?

Germ: Oh, nein, it's just that the next one is also Lithuania's. Dear diary, when Feliks saw my scars, he showed me his. They came from a situation that I can't even put in writing, one that is so completely awful that I won't bother to try to transcribe. But that was the day that I knew, deep in my heart, that no matter what happened between Polan and Lithuania, Feliks and Toris would always be inseparable, and that whatever trials us two might face, our bond will never break. It's complicated, I know, being a nation. But I love him.

Polan: Aww, I love you too.

A/N: Que fangirl screams.

Lithuania's face turned a deep red. Polan smirked, they had been friends for a long time, and Lithuania had helped Polan out many times. Polan pulled Lithuania into a hug, and Lithuania hugged back.

Author-san is taking over: Let your imagination run free my little hetalian children, don't let the ship sink. DON'T LET THE SHIP SINK!!!
Polan: Aren't you taking it, like too far.
Me: aren't you, like, breaking the fourth wall?
Lith: Why do you ship so much.
Me: Because......... I'M AWSOME!!
Prus: I like this girl.
Me *kisses Prussia* and I like you.
France: Ohonononononono.
Me: Now I'm just doing this to get more words in.
Well don't let the ship sink. DON'T LET THE SHIP SINK!!!!

Germ: Vell, let's stop here and get lunch. Meeting dismissed.

One by one people walked out the room. Japan, Italy, and Germany went to an empty room to eat. America, England, Canada and France went to the kitchen, and the micro-nations went outside to eat.

Austria, Prussia and Hungary went to a room hat happened to have a piano in it, Liechtenstein and Switzerland stayed in the meeting room, Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine went to the dinning hall, and the Nordics went to the bar (yes there is a bar.)

China, Taiwan, North and South Korea, and Japan went out side and sat next to a large Sakura tree. Finally Polan and Lithuania went to the roof to have lunch.

A/N: I would add all the other people, but that's just too much.

Once Lithuania and Polan got their lunches they sat on the roof. Lithuania had made sandwiches for the both of them.

Polan: Did you, like, mean what you said.

Lith: Every word.

Polan hugged Lithuania, and he hugged back. When Polan let him go, Lithuania was more red than Spain's tomatoes. Polan brust out laughing.

Lith: W-What are you laughing at?

Polan: You should, like, see your face right now. It's, like hilarious.

Lithuania and Polan enjoyed their lunch together. Lithuania ate peacefully while every so often Polan would do something ridiculous just because he wanted to see if he could do it.

Lith: *sigh* you might be a crazy friend, but your MY crazy friend.

So how did you like it.
It was really fun wrighting this chapter.
Sorry for any grammer mistakes.
Pls continue to request and pls leave comments on what you like and think.
Goodbye untill later my hetalia family.

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