you will not be forgotten

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First off sorry that this took so long I haven't been on for awhile. Second, please give some requests I'm running out of ideas.

The Asian countries smiled and undid the hug, as they moved away Romano watched, and saw the entirety of the family. So many families were together, some had been sperated, some have managed to stay together, but in one way or another they were family.

"Aww, you are so cute together, aren't they Sweden," Finland said smiling and getting a nod as a answer from Sweden.

"Vell it's not like jour loser Asian family could beat our AWEZOME German family, because ve are awezome!" Prussia boasted loudly, turning a sweet moment into a competition.

"Not everything is a competition bruder," Germany said facepalming.

"Aiyah, you younger countries are so immature," China said as he lifted his head proudly.

"Yeah so immature," Korea said smiling goofy.

China hit his shoulder and face palmed too, "that means you too aru," Korea sat in shook and gasped, pouted and muttered, "I am not childish,"

"If you asshats are done we should continue reading," Romano said angry as usual. Some people heard him, but paid no mind, and those who did paid attention just rolled their eyes or smiled and continued talking, "or you could-a ignore me, that's-a ok too,"

"Roma~ you should liven up," Spain smiled, and grabbed his cheeks, "smile!" He pulled his cheeks upward, making Romano hiss in anger.

"Get off tomato idiot!" Romano pouted. Spain sighed and went to talk to others leaving Romano there, alone. Feeling unneeded he just left the room, leaving to find a place that he can comfortably be alone. The restroom.

Gilbert smiled and laughed, but soon he felt some burning on his palms. He looked down to notice they had become hot, again. Prussia sighed and smiled, "I'm going to take a shit, I'll be back,"

Germany nodded, "Ja, Ja, wash jour hands,"

Prussia walked out of the room, laughing to himself, but once the got out he blew on his hands. "Hot... need water," she sped walked to the restroom and slammed the door open, surprising the Italian who was also there.

He turned the faucet on and let the cold water run over them, he sighed in relief as the burning stopped. Only then had he realized that Romano was there with him, both of the nation's looking at each other.

"Uh, vhat are jou doing here?" Prussia asked curiously, making Romano look away in mock anger.

"What are you-a doing pouring water on your-a hands? Burnt yourself?"

"..." Prussia sighed and sat on the floor next to him, then noticing some tear lines. He looked down at his hands which had now cool down, and his eyes trailed over to Romano's tear streaked cheeks.

"What's with-a your hands?" Romano asked breaking the silence in the bathroom.

Prussia looked upward to the ceiling and sighed, "Vhen I vas a younger nation, zhe people of my country would do terrible zhings to me..." He stopped and looked down at his hands, "one of zhese zhings vould be zhat zhey'd set me on fire..."

"..." Romano kept silent, not knowing what to do.

"All because of my eye color," Prussia stood up and looked at himself in the mirror and looked at his eyes, clenching his fist in anger, "All because my eyes are red. Devil, wizardry! Be gone demon!" He acted out the words, heat coming back to his hands.

Prussia poured more water on his hands and winced as the cold water came in contact of his blazing hand. "Vhat about jou? Vhy are jou here all alone?"

Romano looked away holding himself tighter on the cold floor, "It's not like-a they'd notice if I-a left all together," he put his face inside his crossed arms, hiding from the prussian.

"Vhat zhe hell are jou talking about? Of course ve'd notice!" Prussia had his goofy smile one and Romano looked up, inside he was smiling. "Jou vill not be forgotten! Not as long as I'm around!"

Romano smiled and stood up, "Sí, I won't-a forget you either. Even if you are a potato bastard." Romano smiled and walked out of the bathroom, Prussia following behind.

"Jou know..." Gilbert said as they were almost back to the room, "Antonio loves jou,"

Romano turned into a blushing sight and smiled as he opened the door, "I know"

Everyone was still talking and chatting up a storm, but when Prussia and Romano walked in Spain ran and hugged Romano. "Roma~ where were you? It was boring without you here!"

Romano hugged slightly back and smiled, "It's-a good to know you didn't forget-a me."

Spain tilted his head in confusion, "Why would I forget the person I love?" Romano covered his face as it turned as red as a tomato and mumbled curses under his breath.

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