The plan

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Arthur, Francis, Alfred, and Matthew all cleaned up and went to sleep. Some of the nations stayed up, but by 12:00 everyone was asleep. A cool peaceful breeze swept through the building as the last country fell asleep.

"Sleep well my sons," A women with tan skin, and dark straight hair said softly as she closed the door to America's and Canada's room. She walked down the peaceful halls, and entered into the meeting room.

"So how long before they finish the book?" Britannia asked putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Not long," Germania answered.

"When was the last time you saw them act like this, like a family?" Native America said with a sigh. The other ancients looked at her, and remembered the good times.

"Native America, we just need to have faith that when they finish the book, they will understand what they need to do." Gaul said smiling, her poofy hair sticking up.

"But what if they don't?" Scandinavia questioned. Rome let out a sigh and thought about it for a while, so did the others. They all wished for different things for their children, but they all just wanted the best for them.

"Well we must see and wait," Rome said, smiling.

"I thought I heard you aru." China walked in, he had his normal red attire, but his hair was down. He and Rome stared at each other for a while, before Rome looked away.

"I see you are the same as always Romulus. It's good to see you all again aru." China tied his hair up, using the band around his wrist. Finally there they were, the ancient all standing there in the same place once again. They smiled at one another, and cherished this little moment of happiness.

"So, what exactly is your plan Rome?" Ancient Greece asked, and strand of her curly hair fell to her face. Rome smiled at Germania, and the others just looked at each other puzzled.

Germania sighed, "We have all known for awhile that our children are suffering, and we all want to help them." The all nodded in agreement, Native America held her hands close to her chest, and her face seemed to lose its color.

"Well the next entries are going to make a do you say?" Rome continued.

"Chaos..." China said, looking up from the book. All of the color was now gone from his face, and he was shaking uncontrollably.

"So, what is that supposed to do? You want to hurt them even more?" Ancient Egypt said angerly, putting the cat she was petting down.

"Of course not, Egypt. I'm sure they have a good reason." Native America said quietly. She tried to sound more sure than she felt.

"They better! My, no, our kids have been through some much, and I never want them to go through that pain, let alone be reminded of it!" Kieven Rus said, slamming her fist on the table. All eyes were on her, and almost everyone was too afraid to speak.

"Hmm, well what if that's what they need to be reminded of?" Scandinavia asked, "You all saw how they acted when Russia's past was brought up."

"A-And England's, and United States' past also." Native America said, and Britannia mentally questioned why she hand not called him America.

"Yes, but I am not sure that they will be the same aru. It all depends on the person." China answered back. The all let out a sigh, and face Germania, and Rome.

"I think they need to let their anger out, before they can do anymore..." Gaul said, a bit quiet, but still with passion.

"W-What if it makes it worse? What if another war happens? Oh lord, please, I don't want Alfred and Matthew to get hurt!" A few tears fell from Native America's eyes. She remembered how when she first found Alfred, she knew it ment her death, but she still cared for him and Matthew with all of her love.

"Ai-ya, this really might be the toughest decision we had to make yet." China asked quietly, as Native America sobbed into Britannia's shoulder. Rome and China locked eyes for what seemed like hours, but was merely a few seconds.

"Hope..." Ancient Greece said, making the others in the room look at her. "We must have hope. It's what has gotten us this far." She gave a kind smile.

"Yeah, let's all have hope in our kids. I think we raised them well enough!" Rome said proudly, making Germania roll his eyes.

"Yes, I know for certain that no matter what. War or none, something amazing is going to happen," Germania said, almost smiling.

As the sun rose outside of the meeting room, nation by nation woke. The ancients knew that they couldn't stay much longer, and much against Native America, how wanted to say hello to her sons, they left with the morning sun. China said a farewell to his old friends, and lover.

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