
347 21 3

another day
of painted walls
and footbal on the tv
no one sees me.

i fade away
lost inside a memory of
someone's life,
it wasn't mine.

i was already missing
before the night i left

just me, my shadow
and all of my regrets.

who am i?
who am i?
when i don't know myself
who am i?
who am i?

wasted days
dreaming of the times
i know can't get back
seems i just lost track

looking on
as all of life's colors
seem to fade to grey
i just walked away

i was already missing
before the night i left

just me, my shadow
and all of my regrets

who am i?
who am i?
when i don't know myself
who am i?
who am i?

incertezas e pensamentos.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora