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170805 09:26AM

•I slept for 16 hours. Started at 5pm and woke up at 9am.

•Time management is my enemy although I need to master it.

•Great stress is entering at such an early time.

•Got a new TLE/HE teacher because the old one (which was new too) left mid-quarter (FIRST !! FREAKING !! QUARTER) and so the new one is being too fast and the tasks shes giving us are too difficult.

•I keep forgetting things. I do write things down, but I keep forgetting simple things because I'm so stressed out and busy.

•I finished taking our mastery tests tomorrow, aka the test that prepares us for exams. Those tests are usually taken in 1 day. But since we're 9th graders now, we have extra subjects and we have to take an exam for that too. The subjects I took yesterday were Geometry, Filipino, English, Chemistry, and Advanced Algebra. What I hate about it is we have to apply old lessons too, that we learned like a year ago or two.

•I was planning to print reviewers but I ended up getting literally 11 of them so I decided not to print them anymore, also considering the fact that I wouldnt be able to finish studying all of them a day before.

•Sorry I've been inactive, I just dont have time to go online to check these stuff even for a bit because I dont even have enough sleep to start with...

•I hope all of you guys are happy and healthy while I'm gone since I wouldnt be here to help @~@

•I just realized that my fingers and hands are shaking so hard right now for some reason that I dont know...

•I slept for so long because I was so tired to the point that I gave up my dinner. I wanted to eat tho, but literally I fell asleep as soon as I was on my bed.

•That's all for now, I have to do my homeworks at an early time since I have to learn time management. babai 💞

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