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170808 06:27PM

• Doing my economics project that's by partner

• We counted off in class and luckily, i still got my seatmate as my partner yasss

• We counted off in class and luckily, i still got my seatmate as my partner yasss

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• The whole day stressed me out even more. I'm starting to miss (submit late) some requirements and my head is starting to hurt in school and that rarely ever happens since my immune system is pretty tough...

• My head hurts easily, like after a tiny bit of exhaustion and there goes a heart existing in my head; beating harder as I continue to do what action I'm doing.

• I tend to get feelings of being pressured. Not pressure from anyone, but the time. My brain tends to nag at me to do the requirements I haven't done while I'm listening in class even though I can do them at home. This makes it really hard for me to focus in class considering the fact that I also have to tolerate my headaches, attitudes of people in school, and that I have to catch up to whatever is going on because everything is going by too fast.

• I'm starting to miss stuff and I noticed that my eyes are starting to get more blurry, and this scares me. My eyesight is already very poor for my age and I don't want to make it worse.

• I'm also starting to get really confused with things. Last Sunday, I went to a wedding and so we were entering the car because the wedding was over. My two siblings needed to get to the back seats by folding the middle seats, in which you have to push a lever to be able to fold them. And yes, I pulled them. I looked at the arrow twice and even thrice, and I still kept pulling. This isn't the only confusion I've experienced recently and in fact, I've never been this confused before.

• I hope to improve my time management so I can be able to talk to my friends and do my work very well.

xia is oUT--

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