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170809 05:59PM

• still having headaches
• lowkey sick because im a bit warm
• i have 3 tests tomorrow (chem, fil, comp)
• i got a 10/20 in my religion test lmao i am not religious sorry
• my group is memorizing a poem to be performed on friday as a speech choir

Onstage by M and A
"a little girl in front of twinkling lights
a dancer on stage shining so bright
she leaps, she twirls, dancing on her toes
wanting to become one, (where?) where can she go?
thoughts surging her mind, trying to find
perfecting her piece for steps to bind
giving what it takes for all to come true
(but why?) why did it suddenly all went blue?"

• yes, theyre dancers, ballerinas to be specific
• i was supposed to scan a piece of paper a week ago that had a message for ppl out there that i couldnt talk to bc im busy in school but i keep forgetting and i didnt really have any time to do them
• my eyes and breath and body feels a bit warm rn, i can feel myself getting sick slowly
• i had to drink 12 pills
• im so tired mentally and physically

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