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170815 01:34AM

>im gonna start a tag mHmM

>tagging ggukbitch

[ You are to make an acrostic poem about yourself using your username that mAkEs sEnsE okEi ]
[ tag at least a person because i dOnT rEaLLy cArE if you tAg pEoPLe ]

J - just a smile of yours that i'll see

I - is enough to be happiness for me

M - my joy will always be about you

I - i'll rarely consider about myself even if i am blue

N - no matter what it is  i'll do it for you

S - so lovely and precious, my darling that's you

S - sleep in my arms, so warm and so soft

M -may we always be together until our bodies rot

O - only your smile is what i desire to see

L - love, it would break my heart if that smile isnt real, you see

H - how many times do i have to tell you?

A - again and again, dont forget that i love you

N - not ever will i enjoy being without you

D - do always remember that i'll be there for you

S - so smile now, sweetie, you light up everything thats blue

>that sucked and i hope you understand what i meant with my poem lmAo

>basically I get happy by seeing that I make other happy and that that's my desire, I don't want you to think it's something you'll have to owe

>If you think I'm sad so you try to fake a smile, that would bother me much more, so hug me when you're tired

>^ that was unintentional lol but u get what i mean

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