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170811 05:18PM

tagged by violentcolors

imma share 8 facts mhmmhm

I dont like caramel, cinnamon, fudge, ketchup, tomato sauce.
That's why I despise snickers, twix, spaghetti sauce, etc.
My mom scolds me to put sauce but yOu cANt tELL mE wHaT tO dO

I have a habit of saying "like" when I speak but since converse in english verbally, I say it in tagalog (filipino) and I wouldn't have noticed that until now if I didn't rant to my friend though a voice message lmao

I like coins. I'm unlike those people that despise coins and always want their change to be in paper bills if possible. I like it because it's convenient and you're sure that people won't charge you for a higher fare and not give you the right amount of change on purpose. Also, it just makes me feel very secured that I can hear my money clinking in my pocket because I'm sure my money is there and even if it falls out of my pocket, I'm going to hear it or feel it.

I eat spaghetti without sauce, only cheese. It may sound weird but how much I hate spaghetti sauce/ketchup/anything like it is how much I like cheese. I literally finished liked half a tiny box and I was even trying to stop myself in that case lmAO. I put looots of cheese. I want the taste of cheese to be evident. Maybe it's also because I like salty things.

I like math and english but despise science and religion. I just don't like it and I find it difficult to absorb. I like art too, but not the subject since most of the time we have instructions to follow and that doesn't really make me free to do what I want when I have to draw or anything.

I can walk, jump, and fast-walk on wooden stilts.
I learned how to walk on stilts in school because it's an underrated sport in the Philippines and it's actually pretty interesting but can be a bit of a quiet race unless it's against really good teams. It's about learning how to prioritize and risk things which is what I'm bad at ironically lmao but I like it.

I don't like coffee nor do I drink it.
I just don't like it even if I need it. Sometimes I low key crave for it but only the very very very creamy and milky ones because they taste farther to the actual coffee taste. But I'd rather not drink coffee tho.

I don't like sleeping.
I don't totally hate it. Of course, I need it since I'm human, but if I have nothing to do, I'd rather find something to do even if the least I can do is stare at a wall for several hours and I mean it. I don't like missing stuff especially when it's because I was asleep. I prefer night than day. Why would people be asleep at such lovely nights? Night time is pretty and calm. It's quiet, dark, cold, and it gives me a relaxed feeling. Pretty chill. I like things to be that way unlike people that like it in the way that it's like so energetic, the ones that think it's better to party and stuff, that kind of vibe. I'm reserved and quiet generally so this atmosphere really fits me.

I had fun sharing those yayay
Idk but I just think that when a person shares something about them to you when they did it according to their own intention, you better listen attentively and cherish it. It means the person trusts you, is interested in you, and wants you to get to know that person to develop a closer bond.

And btw if you were surprised with what I said just a sentence ago, then you're probably new here or you just don't know me that well. But yeah that's the point of this, I want people to get to know me and I want to be friends with all of you <33 I usually say things like those when it's about life and stuff, I reflect like that unconsciously :') and I like that I'm unconsciously like that lmao

I'm gonna do double entries today or maybe even triple
because I have a lot to say HAHA
yes i am talkative welcome

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