(2) Fall

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"Aw, look at Bradley, he's shitting himself." Con teased as he held the freshly made joint in his hand.

"I'm not. I'm ready!" I lied. Of course I was scared, it's drugs for goodness sake. 

Even though they've reminded me so many times that weed isn't dangerous, I just could not shake the feeling of fear. Don't get me wrong, I've wanted to smoke weed for over a year now, and this was the moment I was going to finally find the courage to actually do it.

Tristan looked over at me and gave me a reassuring smile as Connor lit the joint and took the first couple tokes of it before passing it on to James. 

Tristan's smile cheered me up a bit and I even caught him looking over at me every once in a while.

I bit my lip and looked around the deserted field we were sat in just behind James' house. It was pretty here, so many beautiful trees, copper leaves covering the ground we sat on and the night was dull but beautiful. I loved fall.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as James passed the joint over to me. I nodded and took it from him, looking at all of the boys glare at me with their red eyes, awaiting my reaction.

I put the joint to my lips, inhaling slowly before coughing and pulling the most disgusted face, which didn't sit well with the rest of them.

"You alright, man?" Tristan spoke as he quickly got up in a panic to sit beside me.

"He's fine, dude, everyone coughs on their first toke." James smiled and nodded at me, assuring me that it was okay.

Having Tristan sit beside me instantly made me feel better about the situation, I wasn't sure why, but his presence meant a lot to me.

I took the joint and again placed it to my lips, taking a longer toker this time. Meanwhile, they were all still watching, and Tristan was stroking my back, which only made me more nervous if I'm honest.

I smoothly and successfully exhaled the smoke and looked around me, shocked at what I had just achieved.

 "Woah, well-done man. Better than my first time." Connor looked impressed as did the rest of the group, and Tristan's hand suddenly left my back as he took the joint from me.



"And I just couldn't understand why she was holding a pan in one hand and a book in the other, so fucking weird man!" Connor giggled.

We were all so high at this point, Connor was talking about some random experience he had once whilst James' was binge eating chocolate which I knew he'd regret tomorrow and Brad was staring at all of the trees, not moving.

I was chill though, happy and content with my band members in some random field in Bournemouth. I loved these moments, and I knew this one I'd cherish especially. And, I was really proud of Brad.

"How you doing, Brad?" I turned to my left and watched Brad snap out of his daydream. He immediately gave me a cheesy grin and his eye lids were so close together that they were almost shut.

He looked adorable.

"G-good, you got any food? I'm starving." He said very slowly, giggling once he realised how long it took him to say that one sentence.

I put my arm around him and his head flopped onto my chest.

I'd never seen Brad like this, he was stoned, very stoned. I had to take care of him, I couldn't see him get too messed up.

"I've got some chocolate here man, want some?" James' shoved the bag of chocolate in Brad's direction, but Brad was already asleep by this point.

James obviously didn't get an answer, and I shrugged at him, he then shrugged back and continued eating the chocolate to himself.

"I'm gonna get him home guys, he must be tired, look." I said, concerned for him since this was all new for innocent Brad.

Con and James looked at the tiresome Bradley, who was now asleep in my lap.

"Alright man, see you tomorrow." Connor nodded, he knew this was the right thing to do.



"Brad...Brad. Are you alright?" A faint voice echoed in my head as I struggled to open my eyes.

A concerned Tristan was looking over me, and it took me a couple seconds to realise that we were in his bed.

My head felt groggy and I couldn't speak due to my throat being so dry.

"W-what time is it? Are we late for rehearsals?!" I spoke, jumping up, worried that I'd slept into the next day without even realising it.

"No, no, it's 12am, Brad, you've only been asleep for a few hours, are you okay?" Tris' eyes were wide and full of apprehension. He lifted his hand and put it on my forehead.

"Tris, I'm fine honestly. It was fun, thank you for looking out for me, I appreciate it." I smiled and threw my head back into the pillow as he watched. He still didn't seem convinced.

"Fun? You ate 2 bags of James' family pack of sweets before passing out on me!" He tried to be serious whilst saying this, yet he let out a little giggle or two in between.

Also, I didn't remember a thing. All I knew was that James was going to regret ruining his diet tomorrow. And that Tristan looked so fucking good right now.

He was leaning over me still, his jaw stuck out prominently as he spoke and he even bit his lip a couple times. I wanted to bite his lip.

What was I thinking? He's my friend.

I let out a fake laugh before pulling the cover over me and turning away from Tris. I couldn't look at him anymore or I was going to catch feelings. Stuff that.

It was silent for a moment before I felt Tristan's hand on my cheek. I turned around, confused as his blue eyes watched my lips.

"Tris, what are you doing?"

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