(1) Rehearsal

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Bradley strolled into my room wearing just his boxers. He'd slept over at mine again since his parents had kicked him out two nights ago and he was left with nowhere to go. I had to let him stay over, even though I didn't own a spare room. Sleeping in the same bed as your best mate isn't that weird.

It's not even like James or Connor could let him stay around theirs as they have girlfriends. Now that would have been weird. Two guys and one girl in one bed. Haha.

I was blinded by the sun peeking through the blinds as I turned over and let out a groan.

"Come on, sleepy head. We have rehearsals in an hour." Brad chuckled and began pulling his jeans up.

"Ugh, It's that time already?" I let him knew I wasn't interested. It was just one of those days.

Brad ripped the covers from my body and I groaned again as I crawled out of bed.

"You're so lazy, Tristan." Brad rolled his eyes and I watched him grab his shirt and put it over his head. 

"Am not." I sighed and grumpily stormed out of the room to shower, and I could almost see how happy Brad was that I was awake.

Brad's that guy. That overly positive guy who gets up at like 7am on his day's off. Ridiculous if you ask me. Yet it was nice to wake up to such bright energy in a morning, I suppose I didn't really mind early mornings, with Brad that is.



I walked into my room in just a towel to find a fed up Brad sat on the bed watching me with evil eyes.

"Sup with you, grumpy?" I laughed and looked through my wardrobe for a decent outfit.

"It's almost 10 and you're not even ready!" He huffed and turned away from me. He was so disgusted that I was running late, as usual. It's actually so cute...I mean, funny. What a dork.

I smiled at him through the mirror on my wardrobe door and I saw him take a look at me every couple seconds, hoping I wouldn't notice. But I did. 

Brad was tapping his foot on my floor and watching every second of the clock on my wall go by.

"Are you driving? Well, that's if you're even ready. I'll get a taxi, Tris if you're not ready in two seconds." Brad was ranting at me, but during his rant, I was fully ready, he'd just not noticed yet because he was too busy checking my clock.

"Yes, I'm driving." 

"Good because-" Brad turned around and noticed I was fully dressed. 

"Oh, good. Come on then!" He jumped off the bed and we both walked out of the house. 

I felt like his babysitter at times.



"Come on Tristan! We're gonna be late." Brad hurried off in front of me in a state of panic, heading towards the door of James' house.

I shook my head and followed slowly behind him. I watched as Brad knocked on the door and within a couple seconds, he was greeted by James. 

"Hey, guys!" James grinned and let us inside.

Once we arrived in his garage, we were then greeted by Connor, who was stood in the corner playing his bass.

"We were nearly late because of Tris, you know." Brad began.

"Oh, here we go." I laughed and so did James and Connor.

Brad rolled his eyes and went over to the drum kit, hitting random drums with my orange drum sticks.

My head instantly turned and Brad's face lit up once he could see how annoyed I was.

"Oi, fluffy head get away from my drums." I ran over and snatched the drum sticks from him.

"Alright guys, let's start this rehearsal, yeah?" James spoke, cutting off me and Brad's fun. James then grabbed his guitar after he'd finished setting up Brad's microphone.

"Yeah, alright. Wild Heart first?" Brad asked before walking over to his microphone stand.

"Yeah, then Can We Dance." Connor added.



Rehearsals was over and we were all sat in James' garage, exhausted from four hours of constant playing. 

"You know what we all need right now?" Connor finally spoke after quietly lounging on the sofa for 10 minutes.

"I can bet I know what he's going to say." I laughed, giving a smirk to James who gave me a look back since he also knew the answer.

"And what's that?" Brad asked, innocently.

"A nice joint." Connor nodded to himself, and I could tell he was daydreaming about weed in that moment, yet we all knew he couldn't afford it. None of us could.

"I called it!" I shouted, and James laughed at my excitement.

Brad sighed and looked over at me, hopelessly. He'd never smoked weed before, and for some unknown reason, he was terrified. The rest of us had smoked it, it was becoming quite a hobby for myself, Con and James. 

I remember when we all smoked it last month, and Brad came along, promising he'd do it with us, and he still didn't. Don't get me wrong, we never force him to, because that'd be peer pressure, and I'm not that guy. But we'd all love to see Bradley Simpson stoned, it'd be hilarious.

"Alright Bradley, don't cry." I teased.

"You don't have to smoke with us." James added.

"You guys know I want to, I'm just-"

"Scared?" James said.

"Boring?" Connor giggled.

"No, I'm just a beginner." Brad said.

We all laughed at Brad's innocence as he sat there with a puzzled look on his face.

"What even happens when you smoke it anyway?" He questioned.

"Well," Connor instantly rose from the sofa, he looked like he was about to give our mate Brad a lecture on drugs. 

"It's just chill, Brad. It chills you out and makes you happy. You don't have to though." I cut Connor off.

Brad looked around the room for a couple seconds, then turned to me.

"Let's do it." 

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