(12) Burn

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It was a few days after tour, and we had all gone back to our homes to spend time with family, except I was still living with Tristan for now, as I didn't have a home to go to.
I hadn't spoken to James and Con since yesterday as I knew they probably needed time to themselves for a bit. Myself and Tristan still hadn't put a label on whatever we were, but that was fine with me. Connor was in a cast and back home with his family, which was a relief, yet I still had no idea about what happened between James and Connor that last night at the hospital. And thankfully, there were no drunken pictures of James on any newspapers or magazines.

I lay in Tristan's bed, gazing up at the ceiling, surrounded by silence. Tristan had gone over to his Mum's house for the night and I insisted he went alone to spend some time with her. I'd never felt more alone though. I saw Tristan's oversized shirt beside me on the floor and picked it up, smelling it before slipping it on. Was that weird? Whatever, he wasn't here to see.

A melody played over and over in my head and I just could not get it out no matter how hard I tried. My eyes shot over to Tris' guitar and I jumped up before grabbing it.

I strummed a couple cords before writing down some lyrics in my notes.



I missed Bradley. What was he up to? Probably watching TV and eating all of my food or something. My mother and I had gone out for a meal earlier, and now she was fast asleep, despite it being only 9pm.

I looked down at my phone which was open on a text message to the group chat, the last couple messages were from Connor, letting us know how he was doing.

My family has gone out but I didn't go because of my leg :(

Aww, want me to come keep you company?

Sure :)

My eyes lit up once a fresh text message from Brad came through. He'd written something in the group chat.

I just finished a new song!!

Ooooh, send a vid!


I clicked on the video as soon as it came through and watched the video of Bradley. He was sat on my bed with my guitar and he was strumming a series of cords. And was he wearing my shirt?

Bradley began strumming the guitar and the lyrics began: "It needs to hurt, so we could work and I need fire, so I can burn and I need love so I can learn."

It was a beautiful song with an amazing melody, yet I couldn't figure out why he wrote that. Who was it about?

I immediately called Brad and he answered after a couple seconds.

"Hello?" He said softly.

"Hi, I like the new song."

"Thanks." His voice drifted.

"You okay man?" I asked him.

"Yeah uh, I'm just lonely."

"Want me to come home? We can order a pizza or something?"

"No, no, no. You stay there I'm good. Speak later." Then the brunette hung up on me.

He clearly wasn't okay.

I sighed and watched my mother who was fast asleep on the sofa. I kissed her forehead gently and grabbed my bag before leaving and locking the door behind me.


"Bradley?" I ran upstairs holding a large pepperoni pizza in my hands.

Brad opened the door for me and he instantly grew a smile on his face.

"Tristan! Pizza!" He grabbed the pizza from me and placed it on the bed before jumping into my arms.

"Hi gorgeous." I kissed his forehead and stood back, staring at him. He was wearing my oversized shirt with just boxers underneath.

Brad giggled and jumped into bed, holding the pizza like a child.

"Is that my shirt!?" I playfully asked him before jumping into bed with him.

"Yours? It's mine now." He pulled his tongue out at me before grabbing a slice of pizza from the box.

I grabbed a slice too before turning on the television and playing Hannah Montana, which of course Bradley loved. He sang the theme tune word for word and knew most of the lines.

"Brad?" I asked before the fluffy haired boy turned to me with a mouthful of pizza.

"Mhm?" He mumbled.

"Who did you write that song about?"

"Uhh." Brad gulped before running a hand through his hair.


My phone. Great.

I picked up once I saw it was Connor.

"Hey man how you doing?" I said.

"Really good, I've been texting this guy, his name is Blake." Con sounded happy and I couldn't be more happy for him.

"That's great wow." I spoke, a little shocked. Con didn't really have many relationships, so to hear that from him was so nice. I was glad he wasn't dwelling on James.

"Yeah and he has this band, New Hope Club."

But wait, wasn't James at his?

"That's cool. Where's James?" I asked, confused.

"Oh he left earlier, said he had to meet with someone or something."

"Ah. Well I'm glad you're happy."

Connor laughed and thanked me before ending the call.

"Con's talking to this guy called Blake. They're getting on well." I said once the call ended and Brad questioned me immediately.

"Oh, so he's over James then?"

"I assume so."

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