4. you get in an arguement

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(i can write this a couple different ways/change what the arguments about, etc just let me know if y'all want anything. & sorry it took a minute to update i didn't really think anyone read these)

you had been upset at bigi lately, sure he was an amazing boyfriend and you cared a lot for him but he never seemed to want to go out for long.

there'd be a here and there mall trip, but it's only last an hour. or maybe you two would walk and get coffee together, but you wanted more than that, you wanted to adventure with someone.

ive been meaning to bring it up to bigi for a while because it feels like he doesn't want to be seen with me.

"Babe" you call out into his house, after opening the front door.

"no babe here" prince says laughing and then
"bigi should be in his room though"

you laugh at prince and walk down the hall to bigis room.

"hey babe" you say walking through the door "ive missed you"

"y/nnnnn ive missed you more" he calls out to you and opens his arms for you to come give him a hug.

you fall onto his bed still in each other's arms and lay there for a while. youve just missed him so much

you break the silence and say "bigi i kinda need to talk to you about something"

"uh yeah what is it y/n is everything okay?" bigi questions, and turns his head to now face towards you

"yeah, i mean you know i love you and everything but i just wanna do stuff with you, you know? like i love being able to be comfortable with you at the house but i wanna like go places and actually be seen with you" you say, not making eye contact with him

"oh baby" bigi grabs you and pulls you close "im sorry i made you feel like that. i promise we can do whatever you want. it's just hard growing up with all the fame, but i don't want that to affect our relationship, ever "

you were so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend

Bigi/Blanket Jackson Imagines (editing)Where stories live. Discover now