9. how his family feels about u (preferences)

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prince: prince was happy if bigi was happy. he was glad his little brother found a girl he really likes and after meeting you he could tell you were really good for him.

paris: as his older sister, paris was skeptical about bigi having a girlfriend at first. she knew how some girls were. but you were different and she could tell. she thought you two were cute together and loved how you brought out the best in bigi.

uncle tj: tj thought "bigis little girlfriend" as he called you, was a nice addition to the family. he thought you were funny and and sweet and would fit in well.

royal/jaafar/jermajesty: you were closer to royal out of all of bigis cousins as you guys spent more time with that part of the family but you four got along well. they loved telling you stories about bigi and embarrassing him along the way. him and royal acted more like brothers than cousins and it was funny to see them mess with each other.

dee dee, jo jo, rio: all loved you. after the first time you met them, they begged for you to come over days and days after.

Bigi/Blanket Jackson Imagines (editing)Where stories live. Discover now