11. yall break up & he misses you

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thank you for requesting this!!!

i love requests so much, please send more in!

ill hope to update a couple more times this weekend


you and bigi had broken up a couple months ago, he broke your heart. i guess you weren't good enough for him because days later your news feed filled with pictures of him and other girls. you tried not to care but it was hard, he meant so much to you but obviously to him your relationship wasn't that important.

you filled your days with more shifts and more going out, anything to keep your mind off him. although it had gotten a little easier, you still missed him dearly.

you had recently started hanging out with roman, you've know him for a while and got closer saying y'all worked together.

you and him would hang out here and there, got coffee, went shopping; you didn't think of him like that though, a "boyfriend". he was nice and all but y'all were strictly friends.


me and y/n broke up a couple months ago, i broke up with her. sure i love her and she makes me happy but still im young, i haven't experienced so many girls.

anyway ive just been hanging out these couples months, me and gabe (the kids name in the photo) we're hanging out a lot playing xbox.


"gaaaaabe" i yell walking into his house, ready to dominate today" i plop down on go his couch and pick up a controller.

"yeah man sure, but look at this" gabe leans over and shows me a picture.

it's y/n, with some guy. who is that? why is she with him? has she already moved on?

"what the fck? who is that guy?"

"dude i don't know, why do you care anyway you said you didn't care anymore!" gabe screams back

"no! no i do care i really do...i just can't believe i let her slip away" i grab my jacket and run out Gabe's door. i gotta get her back


me and roman we're going to walk around downtown today, but because it's raining we aren't.

im just hanging out at home watching movies, i love it when it rains but this reminds me alot of bigi.

him coming over and, cuddling and talking; i loved it.

i heard a knock at the door and went to answer it.

as soon as i open it, i see bigi standing there in the rain, soaking wet and holding flowers.

"bigi what, what're you doing here"

"y/n, love, please listen to me. i know i hurt you, i know i might've made you feel terrible but i love you. i love you so much, you're my whole world and i don't want to imagine life without you anymore. even if you don't take me back, please forgive me"

im at a loss for words, "i...i love you too" are the only words i can get out.

next thing i know im wrapped up in bigis arms.


this is definitely one of the longest ones Ive written in a while


thank you again for requesting!!


much l💚ve for all the starts and comments

Bigi/Blanket Jackson Imagines (editing)Where stories live. Discover now