二 pt.2

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she was finally his girlfriend. he didn't know what to do now, usually he would not bother with them.

but for some reason she was different. she was different because she didn't ask for the attention, she agreed to everything he wanted to do.

if he was too busy to hang out she would be fine with it. if he couldn't walk with her to school she would smile and say that it was okay.

was it really though? was it really okay? he believed her, every single time.

not even thinking twice. he continued. he stopped hanging out with her as much. she said she was fine with it.

he was the type of person that would only ask once. he would hardly ask her if she was okay, believing her the first time.

they went on like that for another 5 months, him only being free on some of their anniversary's. sometimes forgetting.

she was about to give up when they reached their 1 year anniversary. she couldn't stand being forgotten, only remembered when she texted him.

but she just couldn't, she didn't have the guts to go up to him and end it, she was too in love.

the thing is she liked him for quite some time.she was beyond happy when he asked her out.

not knowing their relationship would be like this, she regrets saying yes, yes to be with him. she wishes she could've admired him from afar.

she was without him once again. she felt alone.

no one had realised, she has become more distant, not even her boyfriend seemed to notice a thing.

your probably thinking, how can this happen to both her and Taehyung, well sadly that's the reality, no one realises until it's too late.

and that's exactly what happened.


she avoided everyone, not wanting their attention. she was never used to attention anyway.

her parents always too busy with their technology, always blocking her out. one time they forgot to feed her for a whole two days, her being to young to understand.

now she knows, she genuinely feels bad for Taehyung, but feels bad for herself more.

she gets it everyone has there own lives to live, not everything is about her. but is a little bit of attention too much to ask?

she sat in her room alone crying her eyes out, wiping her tears away she thought of ending it, ending everything.

she won't have to suffer anymore, it's. not like anyone would notice anyways.

that's what she kept telling herself. one thing she decided to do was write a letter, a letter to express her feelings.

she could never talk to anyone, never tell them how she felt. she didn't really have friends, was never good at making any, she was always only admired for her beauty.

she wrote the note, she wrote down everything she was feeling, she made the note specifically for her boyfriend.

everything he did wrong, every bad thing he did to her was in that note. the last thing she wanted to do was make him feel guilty.

but how can she not when all he has done is leave her all alone, forget her. always coming late to special occasions. she gets he's busy.

but why ask her out if he knew he would do all this? she has nothing to live for. no friends, no family. her family committed suicide 3 years ago.

she used to get bullied, people teasing her for it, telling her to do what her parents did to themselves, to go to her parents.

today is the day, she smiled once more. holding on to the letter tightly.

she opened the window to her 7th floor apartment, going on to the balcony. she stood there.

tears falling down her face, wind blowing her hair. "Goodbye world, goodbye Taehyung, hello  parents" was the last thing she said before jumping to her death.


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