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he couldn't stop thinking about the words her mother gave him.

he felt something he hasn't felt in a very long time.


he still felt guilty, not as much anymore though. he believes things won't ever be the same.

but it's worth trying. the first thing he did was call his old friend Jimin.

he remembers all the times Jimin would worry about him. he was the last one of all his friends to leave him.

"call me if you need me, i know I'm leaving you. but that doesn't change anything between us. we will always be friends."

Jimin smiled before waving, leaving with the rest of his 'friends'.

"hello?" his voice quiet.

"j-jimin" Taehyung smiled, happy to be talking to him again.

"Taehyung!" Jimin exclaimed, his voice much louder then before.

"how are you?"

"im feeling better than before I guess"

"oh that's great news, you kno-"

"I'm so sorry Jimin, but can you please come meet me?"

he heard Jimin sigh.

"I-I uh I can't, I'm really sorry."

"no no it's fine!"  He forced a smile.

"we can meet up next week if you're free"

hesitating, he decided to say no

"it's okay Jimin, I should go now"

"no no no, I insist. meet me at ***** cafe next week and we can talk alright?"

he sighed, saying a quick "yep" before bidding goodbye.

trying to meet up with Jimin was harder then he expected. Jimin would keep canceling and rescheduling.

it frustrated Taehyung, it really did.

today has finally come, he thought. Jimin finally stuck to a date and time.

walking in to the cafe, he looked around. no signs of Jimin.

he frowned, "what did I expect" he chucked half heartedly, taking a seat at the nearest booth.

he had been sitting there for almost an hour and a half, he would keep checking his phone to see if there were any notifications from Jimin.


he felt like crying from embarrassment and anger, some people giving a judgy look, some people staring at him with a sympathetic look.

he ignored them of course. just giving people awkward smiles here and there.

the waitress walked up to him for the fourth time today.

"I'm sorry sir, but you have to buy something or we have to kick you out"

he had checked the time once more seeing that 2 hours have gone past.

he nodded at her slowly looking down

"do you want to order? that way you can stay longer" she smiled trying to be as nice as possible.

"no, it's fine. I was just leaving anyway."he forced a smile before making his way towards the door.

he reached out towards the door when someone pushed it open, moving out the way he looked up seeing Jimin standing there.

he had sweat dripping down his face, he was panting. he looked at Taehyung trying to talk, but nothing came out.

"I'm.... s- sorry" he said between each breath.

Taehyung nodded at him giving a small smile " it's alright Jimin, I have to go now. I have a life too you know.

he walked past him and out the cafe, Jimin stood there shocked.

his bus had come late, he had to take transportation to come all the way from Busan to Seoul only to be left at the cafe all alone.

he shook his head realising he zoned out, quickly running out of the cafe he saw Taehyung sitting on a bench, face in his hands.

running once again he sat down on the bench next to him.

"so much for a life huh?"

Taehyung looked up, "go away jimin"
not knowing what to say next, it became silent.

"you said you wanted to talk?" Jimin broke the silence.

he nodded, " I did but not anymore, I don't want to talk to you" he glared at him before putting his face back in his hands.

"please Taehyung" he pleaded, desperate to know what made Taehyung the slightest bit happier.

he sighed turning towards Jimin. "okay fine"

"two days ago I went to for a walk, I didn't care where I was going. i just wanted to refresh my mind. but I ended up at Gyuri's grave. I got emotional and I started apologising."

"Someone suddenly said "I forgive you" it startled me, I thought she answered, but it was her mum."

Jimin's eyes widened.

"she told me how much Gyuri loved me, and cared for me. she told me to not feel too guilty about it. I don't know why but that just lifted my mood, Jimin do you think it's because I haven't had someone talk so nicely to me in so long?"

"Jimin?!" Taehyung waved his hands in front of his face.



"G-gyuri's p-parents are....


•| this is probably the longest chapter I've written in this book :0

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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