Chapter Nine

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If you would have ever told me a few years ago that my life would be the way it is now, I probably would have laughed and then cursed at you in Spanish. There would be no way in hell that I would have believed where my life is now. Especially about the Daniel part. I swore off boys when I was a sophomore because heartbreak is a bitch. It fucks with your everyday life and takes forever to get over it. So, my being in -whatever Daniel and I are in- is so conflicting. On one hand, I know we aren't supposed to be happening. Me being who I am and him being who he is, makes us so incompatible. Yet for some odd reason, I'm willing to try it out. Danny is very persistent in getting what he wants and if this is what I have to do to make him happy, I guess I'll do it.

My mother decided to take overtime so it's just the three of us kids in the house on a Friday evening. Both John and Adeline have a friend over so they are in their rooms, having fun while I'm in the kitchen struggling to make cupcakes. My eyes scan my phone for the 10th time, reading the God forsaken recipe for double chocolate cupcakes and my eyebrows furrow.

"What the fuck." I mutter. That's it, cooking or baking isn't my forte. I'm trying to make cupcakes to waste time and give the young ones a treat of some sort. Now I know the good Lord didn't put me on earth to make anything. While I'm deep in thought, my phone goes off and I silently thank whoever it is for saving me from making cupcakes.

Open your door.

Arching a brow, I walk towards my door and open it to see the WHOLE crew smiling at me. What is it with my friends and coming to my house and seeing me look a hot mess. They all look decent and I have a messy bun and I'm wearing shorts and a shirt that's way too big with flour all over me. Ariel laughs immediately when she sees me.

"Dios mío, ¿qué pasó? ¿Te has peleado con tu gabinete y has perdido? (My God, what happened? Did you get in a fight with your cabinet and lose?)" She teases pushing me out of the way and walking into the house. I glare at the back of her head.

"Yes, please come in." She turns around and smiles at me. Everyone follows her inside and makes themselves comfortable as I lock the door and go back to the kitchen to clean up. As I'm wiping down the flour from the countertop, a hand lightly grabs my waste making me grin like a 3-year-old girl. Daniel rest his head on my shoulder, pressing his front into my back, before kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi." I giggle at while continuing to wipe the counter. I can feel Danny smile which fills my heart with wild emotions. It's still hilarious to me that I hated him in the beginning of the year and now he's in my house making me blush like a mad man. We have been in this casual romantic relationship for about 2 weeks and I'm completely okay with that. We get to do all this couple stuff without the labels and no labels means that there's no stress of a relationship. I'm comfortable with how this are going now.

Daniel peels himself off of me and starts to laugh. "So either you can't cook or you got attacked." He said smugly. I throw my sponge on the counter and whip my body towards him.

"The next person to comment on my lack of ability to bake is going to get la ira de mí." I slightly raise my voice so everyone hears me. The boys laugh but Ariel takes my threat as a challenge. She stands up and walks over to me with her arms crossed.

"Oh yeah? I'm not afraid of you. Bring it." I cock an eyebrow and nod. I'm not going to directly attack her, but rather something she loves. With a handful of flour, I smile deviously at Ariel, who's looking at the flour than me. "What are you gonna do, pour flour on me?" She mutters.

"Oh, not you sweetheart." I make my way towards the couch when I hear a loud gasp behind me. Ariel says a faint "Nida, NO!" but I'm already at my victim with no intention to stop. With a simple thrust of my hand, as soon as my fingers open, it's like white rain or Chris' head. He jumps off the couch faster than any human being has ever do so, and starts to wipe flour off of his head cursing inaudibly. Laughter erupts from me, so much that I'm needing to grip the couch for support. Everyone, except Chris and his girlfriend, are laughing loudly at my 'revenge'. Ariel is cussing me out in Spanish calling me a "crazy, inconsiderate friend who would hate it if I did that to their boyfriend..." and blah blah blah. Im going to be honest, I haven't had this much fun in a long ass time. My life was so absorbed with keeping my siblings happy that I wasn't. Now, I can finally experience this childlike fun and I'm not being pressured to keep them happy. I have never felt this way before. In the midst of the chaos, John walks in the room with one of his friends.

"Nida, do we have-" As soon as he notices our situation, he cuts himself off and stares at all of us questioningly. We stand there awkwardly, Chris clearing his throat in an attempt to get someone to say something. I straighten my back and cross my arms.

"What do you want?" I ask. John focuses his attention on me and his face is very evident in showing his emotions: confused. Finally he clears his throat.

"¿Qué hacen aquí? (What are they doing here?)" Daniel inches closer to me and throws an arm around my waist. John's eyebrows raise. "Im going to need you to get your hand off my sisters waist, man."

Before Daniel can do anything, I step out of his grasp and towards John, anger flooding through me.

"¿Cual es tu problema?" I yell, pointing a finger at his chest. It's getting ridiculous how much John dislikes Daniel. He has given John no reason to hate him and it's been going on long enough. It's time to put an end to this.

Omg, look at me being such a great girlfriend even though I'm not his girlfriend. Yes Nida! You go girl!

John steps closer to me, his eyebrows knitted together in obvious anger. The overprotectiveness that brothers are naturally born with comes swimming to his face. No one says anything, the tension so thick you can cut it with a knife. Fed up with the silence, I cross my arms to match him and say, "Well?"

"He doesn't actually like you Nida, he's just playing with you until he gets what he wants. I'm not stupid and neither are you, so open your eyes and stop being so naive." John spits. I'm more taken back at the fact that he has the balls to say it in English and not Spanish, rather than what he said as a whole. Everyone gets quiet at the same time, except Adam.

"Now hold the f-" He starts but Daniel puts up a hand to silence him. John may be right about Daniel's motives, because even I don't know them, but he doesn't have any right to assume and judge Daniel. Yes, I know Daniel has quite an..... extensive past BUT everyone has a past and it's not fair to judge someone off of it.

I love that John cares enough about me to not want me involved with Daniel, it's amazing. Yet it's my decision and if I get hurt, I will deal with that shit on my own but I'm not gonna give up a good thing just because there is the slightest possibility that Daniel has ulterior motives. Okay, a large possibility. I'm giving Daniel one chance at this and one chance only. If he fucks up even once, I'm cutting him off and that will be that.

"Hermano, that's not fair to judge someone off of their past. Even though you may be right, I can't just give up on Daniel. I'm giving him this chance and if I get hurt-" I turn and look at Daniel, who has his arms crossed and a sad look. "Which I hope I WONT-" My eyes go back to John. "It'll be my problem and I'll deal. Thanks for looking out though, little one." I ruffle his hair and give him a small smile.

"One thing?" John asks while fixing his hair.


"If he hurts you do I have your permission to punch him in the balls?" I laugh then feel a hand on my shoulder.

"If I hurt her, you have my permission to punch me in the balls." Daniel says above me. John smirks and turns around walking with his friend back to his room. Turning around, Daniel puts his arms around me and I smile.

"You won't really let your brother punch me in the balls... right?" He says. I smile again and put my hand on his cheek.

"Oh, you can bet that I would most definitely let him punch you."



MY BABIES! HIIIIII!!!!! I missed you all so so so much. I've been ungrounded for a short while so I had to take some time to get my creative juices flowing. The next chapter will be up very soon. Love you all so so much and thanks for sticking with me! :) <3

~ Erica Letta

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