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The vows are almost over.
Angie and Harry wrote their own vows and they were so beautiful, I wanted to cry durning Harry's but held it in.

"Does anyone object to this marriage? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace" the minister said.

I looked around to see if anyone was going to say anything. I was praying someone would, I didn't want it to be me, but when nobody did, I knew I had to do it.
I couldn't let Harry and Angie ruin their lives.Even if I don't love Harry I know Angie and him aren't meant to be. Angie deserves someone who won't cheat and Harry deserves someone who cares.

"I object"

•Charlie's POV

Like I suspected my mother had a cow when I objected to Harry and Angie's marriage. My dad on the other hand didn't seem to upset or surprised by my sudden uprise or whatever you want to call it. Of course there were so many gasps and dropped jaws but the only face I was concentrated on was Harry's who was just as surprised as my mom was.

"I'm sorry but I can't allow you two to her married," I spoke up once more as I stepped closer to Angie, "He doesn't love you, not in the way you think."

Harry is a cheater an a liar and no matter how much I think Angie deserves everything bad that happens to her I can't let her marry him, the father of the unborn child inside me even though I haven't decided whether I will keep the baby or not Harry is still the father and she deserves to know and she also deserves to be with someone who won't cheat or lie. If she marries him she will marry him not knowing all the things he's done.

"What the hell?" Angie harshly whispered, gritting her teeth.

"We all need to have a serious talk before you decide to marry him" I said to Angie who was no blocking Harry from me.

His green eyes go from me to Angie and to the many many people sitting before us all. He doesn't deserve her, she's to good for him and I won't let him hurt her.

"I really think you should hear me out" I said.

"You're ruining my wedding. You're embarrassing me" Angie whispered hoping the many ears around us don't hear.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you before"

"What are you talking about?" She asked clearly confused.

"I won't tell you here, somewhere private" I look up at Harry who now refuses to make eye contact with me. He knows exactly what's going to happen. "Or maybe you should ask Harry"

"No," she shakes her head "I want you to tell me, whatever it is, but..." She looks over to all our family and friends who are patiently waiting for us to finish talking, "what about them?"

"They can wait. This is really important" I tell her.

"It can wait I'm sure. Come on babe lets just get married already" Harry's deep voice chimes in.

"No, I'm done with this game Harry" I shake my head, "either we go talk in the back or I tell her right in front of everyone"

"Fine, dammit fine come on" Harry said through his teeth.

I can feel the eyes on me as the three of us walk back down the aisle and into the lobby part of the huge church. Like I thought my parents and Harry's mom and step dad come barging out after us, all of them in shock.

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