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I knew it was a bad idea but the way his lips moved against mine pulled me into an impossibly delightful trance I couldn't possible get out of.

His taste brought me back in time, to the beach house where we shared moments I could never forget. I remembered how much I loved the way Harry looked at me, the way he held me and touched me. I remembered how much Angie loved Harry and how I was the one who tore them apart. I didn't know where Angie was now or if she ever found someone else to fill the gaping hole in her heart that Harry created. I missed her so much but I had no way of reaching her since she had changed her number after I left.

The thought of Angie made the bile in my stomach rise. "Harry, stop" I to broke away from his lips, instantly missing the feeling. "I can't."

"I don't care" he mumbled as his lips trailed from my jaw to my neck. I couldn't deny the intense feeling in the pit of my stomach when his lips found that one spot but I knew this whole thing was wrong.

"Stop-" I used all my strength to push him away, causing him to stumble back a few inches.

"Still playing hard to get I see?" The teasing in his voice was evident.

"I'm not playing anything"

"Sure you are!"

The loud crash coming from inside drew my attention away from the green irises staring down at me. Another loud crash and foul language came from inside and soon I felt my feet carry me to the back door where I had come out of only minutes earlier. I recognized the harsh voice, the chefs, yelling for me as Harry called my name. I chose to ignore the chef for a moment, turning to face Harry only last time.

"I want you to leave me alone, for good." I tell him forcefully.

"You're very bipolar, doll"

"I'm confused, not bipolar." I correct him "Goodnight Harry." I say before turning, walking back inside.


People come into your life for a reason, I knew that. That quote "If it's not a blessing its a lesson" is something I always thought about. Harry was a lesson, Joey was a blessing. Missy was a blessing, Sydney was a blessing.

This Niall guy....I have no idea what he will be. Maybe another lesson...or maybe a blessing which I was dying he was. He was a friend of Harry's though, so there was a big chance he'd be another lesson.

As soon as Niall showed up at my door with that adorable boy in his arms I felt something I couldn't name. That feeling when you see a cute guy with a young child, something inside you explodes and you can't help but smile. I wasn't exactly attracted to Niall, but I couldn't deny how good looking he was and how contagious his bright smile was.

Sydney had taken an instant liking to Niall's nephew, Theo, who was only a few months older then Sydney and possibly the cutest little boy I have seen. He had his uncles smile and bright eyes which made me wonder what Niall's brother looked like.

"You're really good with kids" Niall smiled over at me as Theo and Sydney ran around and around the coffee table pretending to be airplanes.

"I would hope so" I laughed. He was so nice to talk to.

"I mean, it took forever for Theo to even let me hold him but with you, he practically leaped into your arms. I don't know how you do it"

"Maybe he can sense my motherness" the smile widening on my face as I said the words. It was basically impossible not to smile when talking to Niall.

"I don't even think that's a word, but sure" he laughed.

"Siddy no! You have to go round and round!" Theo corrected her as Sydney started spinning around in a small circle, bored with the ongoing airplane game.

"Oi, chill out man. Let the lady do her thing." Niall told his nephew.

I giggled as Theo scrunched tightly at his Uncle. "Don't do that, or you face will stay that way forever"

"No!" Theo ran around the other side of the couch, running and hiding under the table.

"Niall, you're going to scar him" I laughed hysterically, to something that wasn't even that funny. I haven't been in this good of a mood since-

Since that summer.

I pushedthethought away quickly, focusing my attention on Sydney who was no sitting in between Niall and me.

Niall was telling her about his part time job at a Zoo, which excites her. I sit and listen intently when I hear a loud knock on the door. I seem to be the only on to notice thought. I take a few more seconds to listen to Niall before getting myself up and walking over to the door which I had left unlocked for the first time without Joey being here.

Niall had a safeness about him, like he would never let anyone hurt me or the kids, which sounds strange since I had only really met him yesterday but it was true. Sometimes you meet people and you instantly feel safe around them, and I felt that way with Niall. Safe.

I was expecting to be meet by green eye and wild hair when I opened the door, but was surprised by the dirty blonde hair and brown eyes of a boy who was the last person I expected to be standing at my door. "Alex?"

"I need your help" he said frantically.

"What's wrong? Is Landon okay?"

"He's fine, it's Harry who I need your help with" he went on to explain how Harry had come back to his apartment (which harry was still staying at, surprisingly) fifteen minutes ago completely trashed and beaten.

"I can't, really Alex. I have a friend-" I guess he was my friend? "over and I really can't deal with him right now. Take him to the hospital or something."

"I can't! He told me to come get you, okay, you really need to come now before he blows another fuse."

It didn't surprise me that he was drunk, even at this hour, and it didn't surprise me that he had gotten into a nasty fight with some guy who he probably pissed off. What did surprise me was Alex asking for my help. Was I suppose to magically make him not drunk anymore? And how hard was it to take a shower and put some band aids over a few cuts?

I groaned silently. I knew what I was going to do. Even if I didn't want to do it, I knew I would. "I'll be there in ten minutes."


This is rushed but I promise I have a good reason but yeah no sob story from me so I'm sorry this sucks but the next chapter will be better I promise. Big Things are gonna start happening soon so just you wait! Vote and comment

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