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Joey's intense stare burned a hole through me as we sat quietly, eating dinner at the table like we normally did. I told Sydney not to tell Joey about Harry because they did not get along and Joey would be upset, which wasn't a lie. Sydney stayed quiet the whole dinner other then her usually, strange questions. After she finished eating she went into the living room and played with her toys, leaving Joey and I alone.

He knew something was wrong, I could tell by the way he was looking- staring at me but of course I wouldn't tell him.

"Did you see Harry today?" He asked while wiping off his hands with a napkin.

"Why would I see him?"

"That's not what I asked."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I didn't." I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, Joey." I snapped.

"Well, you've been acting weird, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired." I said truthfully.

"Fine," he sighed "go to bed, I'll watch Sydney."

"No, it's fine. I'll watch her."

"Charlie, I'm telling you to go to bed." He demanded.

And with that, I left and went into my bedroom. I was exhausted but I was always exhausted. Not only did I have a daughter at such a young age but I also lived with a man I didn't love, truly love, and now my child's father, who is a murder, is back in my life and made it clear he was here to stay. I was just damn tired and my life was a mess, not matter how much worse it could get, it was still a mess and I had to fight to make it even the slightest bit better.

I stripped off my day old clothes and slipped into a pair of pajama shorts and an old tank top which had holes at the bottom and the stitching was coming slowly coming apart, but it was damn comfortable. My eyes slowly closed themselves and I felt my body get heavy before I was in such a peaceful state I couldn't even move.

"I think its best we paint it yellow. That way it's cheery and inviting" I told him as we walked through the empty home, trying to decided what colors to paint the bare walls.

"I think its fine the way it is" he shrugged.

"It's white. You're so boring" I rolled my eyes at him. His hand brushed over mine but he never took it in his own.

"No, I'm just simple."

"We are painting it a real color, Harry. We can either agree on a color or I'll paint it hot pink with purple polkadots." I teased.

"Whatever you want babe, I don't care" he smiled and my heart fluttered at the nickname.

Suddenly two gunshots sounded and Harry was on the ground with blood spilling out of his neck. I felt myself get weaker and weaker until I hit the cold floor which was now stained in a thick crimson color. Harry was motionless and I felt the pain in my stomach increase as my head spun. Heavy footsteps padded across the floor until brown boots came into my vision. His green eyes stared intensely at my as an evil grin spread across his face. The body next to mine was no longer Harry's, but Sydney's small body. Harry stood over my before aiming the gun at my head, pulling the trigger.

"No!" I nearly flung myself off of the bed and ran into Sydney's room. Her small frame was covered with a thick blanket, but she was there. I quickly made my way back into my bedroom and shut the door behind me quietly, making sure not to wake up anyone.

My heart was racing and I felt like I had literally just stepped off of a roller coaster.

Usually dreams don't bother me once I am awake and realize it was just a stupid nightmare, but this- this was so real and was so sudden. One minute we are happily looking at our new house and the next Harry has a gun aimed at my head. I didn't know what this nightmare meant, if it actually meant anything. Normally I wouldn't have such intense, realistic dreams so this one bothered me more then any other dream would.

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