you dont love me anymore.G.D

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🌸s.o.c "colors" Halsey (stripped )🌸

Gray has been coming home really late lately and being more distant. He doesn't tell me about his day like he use to. He comes home and goes right upstairs and goes to sleep no hi,no kiss, no hug,nothing.
I'm on the couch watching the walking dead struggling to keep my eyes open. I hear the door open and instantly wake up.
"Hey babe" I smile hugging him. But he doesn't hug back. I follow him upstairs. "Okay what's up with you" I say "what do you mean" he says walking into the closet. "You don't talk to be anymore or kiss me or hug me" I say standing in the door way of the closet
"Um can I change?" He says annoyed and acting like I've never seen him without a shirt. "No not until you tell me what's going on"
"Y/n why are you being so annoying" he grabs a shirt and roughly passes my be going into the restroom. "Annoying!?" "I'm sorry I'm the only one who obviously actually cares about this relationship!!" He closes the door in my face "GRAYSON!!" I bust in the bathroom "why the fu-".
He has no shirt on. He has scratches on his back a hickys all along his stomach and neck . He just stares  at me my eyes start to water "wtf Grayson". "Is this why your always home late. Why you don't kiss me anymore.or talk to me" I yell/cry. "Your so god damn sensitive" he says "GRAYSON YOU CHEATED ON ME. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THE PROBLEM HERE?!!" "YOUR ALWAYS ON MY BACK." "So what you don't love me anymore or something ??" "I guess not" he says with a straight face. "Okay then" I put on shoes and grab my car keys. And leave.

Part two???

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