Chapter 3 - The surviving tape

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(maskys POV)

My room was a complete mess, and there was stuff laying around everywhere: mostly papers and empty pill bottles. Toby followed me into my room and looked around. I pretended to not notice him, and I started to walk around my room and pick things up off the floor.

"Hey, what's this old tape doing here?" Toby said.

"What tape? There shouldn't be any more tapes in my room," I said, turning to face him. He stood there looking confusedly at an old cassette tape, and I, immediately, recognized it as one of the tapes from Marble Hornets.

Before he could do anything else, I grabbed it from him, and I inspected it closer. As I looked closer at the tape, I determined it was definitely a tape from Marble Hornets.

The tape certainly didn't bring back any good memories. My mind went in circles trying to figure out what could be on it, and why it hadn't been destroyed with the others. Hoodie and I had destroyed all the tapes from marble hornets shortly after we got here, or at least, we thought so. Apparently this one survived, and that thought kind of scared me. I have been trying so hard put everything from back then behind me and forget about it, but then this shows up to haunt me.

"Where did you find this?" I asked Toby, finally looking up from the tape.

" o-over there beside that camera," he answered, pointing to my desk where Jay's camera was sitting. I had forgotten that I still had Jay's camera, and I picked it up. I looked to see if there was another tape in it, but thankfully there wasn't.

"W-what's on the tape?" Toby asked, walking up beside me.

"I'm not sure, but it can't be anything good," I responded.

"If you don't know, t-then why not watch it and find out?" Toby suggested. I thought over the idea for a second before my own curiosity got the better of me, and I put the tape in the camera to watch. I reminded the tape to around the middle of the tape and played it. Toby and I watched as the tape showed a girl - who I quickly recognized as Jessica - standing in a parking lot and talking to the person holding the camera. I let the tape play for a little bit longer - even tho I knew what was on it now - but then the person holding the camera started to cough and fell to the ground. I stopped the tape and took it out.

"Who were those p-people, and why did you stop it?" Toby asked, looking up at me.

"The girl is Jessica and the person holding the camera is . . . doesn't matter who it is, and I stopped it because I know what's on it and I don't want to rewatch it. Stop asking so many questions," I answered, and I placed the camera down back down on my desk and placed the tape next to it to destroy latter.

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