Chapter 7 - Breakfast

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I hear Toby lay back down, and presumably, stare at the wall too. I honestly don't really care what he does as long as he doesn't bother me or get me in trouble.

I still have no idea why Slender didn't chose someone else for Toby to sleep with; i'm not exactly an ideal candidate. I haven't really slept with another person in the same room beyond Brian since . . . I almost instantly shake my head to stop the train of thought.

"A-are you o-okay?" Toby asks with a bit of hesitation in his tone.

"I'm fine," I say with a bit more malice then I was intending.

I can tell Toby is staring at me, but I refuse to acknowledge him. I check my clock on my nightstand to see it's 2:34 in the morning. Normally, I would give up on sleeping by now and get some of my paperwork done, but I can't exactly do that with Toby here annoying me. Guess I have nothing else to do but spend my night staring at the wall . . . Great.

I lay there watching the shadows, and before I know it, I can see daylight filtering in from my window. I sit up and look at my clock to see it's 6:20. I hear Toby stir from the other side of the room. He stretches, and he seems happy to see the sun rising. I sit up to grab my mask, and I slip it on. I walk out of the room to get breakfast knowing Toby would follow, and -- as expected -- I hear him following along behind me like some lost puppy.

"C-can I have waffles for breakfast?" he asks as we walk into the kitchen.

"You can have whatever you want for breakfast," I respond. I decide to grab myself a bowl of cereal, and I take it to the dinning room where Hoodie is eating a bagel.

"Morning, Masky. You sleep well?" hoodie asks.

"I slept. You?" I replied.

"Can't complain," He said.

Toby walks in with a plate of waffles and sits next to me. I give him a quick glare, but he doesn't seem to notice. "S-so, what's e-everyone up to t-today?" he asks.

"I have a bit of paperwork to catch up on," hoodie says.

"You didn't do that already?" I ask.

"I'm not a workaholic like you, Masky. Tho I think you'll have your hands full training Toby," he said.

"W-what will you be t-training me for?" Toby asks me.

"Hunting and killing people," I answer.

"Oh, o-okay," Toby says seemingly unfazed.

"Well, I should get to work. Good luck to both of you," hoodie says standing up to leave.

"Hoodie, before you leave, why wasn't I woken up for dinner last night?" I ask.

"I noticed you were asleep for once and I suggested to Slender that we let you sleep," he says casually while walking away.

I huff; of course he's the reason. I finish my breakfast and walk off to put my bowl away in the kitchen. Toby follows me and puts his own plate in the sink next to my bowl. I sigh, this is going to be a long day. 

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