Chapter 15

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"Babe stop crying, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to scare you baby please I'm sorry "  the sound of his voice wakes me up

"Wh-what?" I say a bit scared and still sobbing.

"I didn't mean to make you cry I'm sorry I thought clapping really loud to wake you wasn't going to be that bad" Kyle says apologetically.

"Do it again" I ask him. He looks really confused but does it (one clap really loud) that was the same sound the gun made.

"Thank goddess it was a dream" I say hugging Kyle tightly and not planned on letting go anytime soon.

"Mae even-though I really like the way you are holding on to me will you let go so I can make it up to you I don't like making you cry" Kyle said

I let go of him "no don't worry it wasn't you that made me cry I just had a bad dream" I say

By the time I had said this he had stood up and was pulling on his top.

"Oh are you okay"  he says I nod

"Okay just stay there I will go get you some juice"he says putting his hand out to me as if he was telling me to stop.

"No don't go!" I say in a rush and in a panic.

I've never acted like this before. Why am I being so clingy.

"Why, what's wrong? I'm here for you no matter what." He's so cute.

How am I supposed to say that my crazy ex was stalking me and got into pack boarders and tried to take me away from him ending in His death right in front of me but he made it more real by the clap he made trying to wake me as it was the sound of the gun in my dream. And if I do tell him that he is going to want to know the whole story about my ex and I don't want to re-live that.

"I-I... umm I... my..."

I can't do it.

I take a deep breath "it was my d-dream it umm... scared me a lot and I don't want you to leave me"

I say the truth I just couldn't mention my ex. I don't know how he will react to it.

He smiles at me "it was a dream baby, and I will never leave you so don't worry I will take care of you and will be with you all day and even when I'm not by your side I'm still with you in mind heart and soul. Plus we have a connection that will not let us be apart for long periods of time that is why wolves have mind links so we can find out where each other are with out having to worry about a phone."

Awe that was so sweet 'please mate him I can't wait any longer he is the best' my wolf begs me 'I can't I'm not ready and I want to be when we do'

"Thank you so much for understanding, you are the best mate I could ever ask for, and I know I said I don't like the possessive side of people but today I actually wouldn't mind it, my dream has got me so scared that I want you around me all day and not leave me for one second"

His face is the funniest right now. Wide eyes mouth open staring at me as if he saw a ghost but the slight hint of a smile which tells me he's gunna take what I said to his advantage.

"Really" he asks excitedly. I nod

He jumps in bed next to me from the other side of this huge room as if it was nothing. He puts his arm around me.

"Lazy day in bed it is, cuddled up against each other's warm bodies all day watching movies and pigging out on food. I have already mind-linked mason saying that he's in charge I'm having the day off, and Shaunna to bring us some snacks that will last all day"

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