Shadow Kiss

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Ever since I was eight I been training with my mother Fallen on how to control my magical powers but now that I’m sixteen my powers are going haywire for some reason and its starting to bug me I mean I can’t even kiss a cute guy with out hoping he doesn’t turn into some strange like turning into a frog or explode literally. Sometimes I wish I was  just a were like my younger brothers Jace and River.

“Hey, Little witch”, yelled an all so familiar voice that sent shivers down my spine.

“Hey, Vincent”, I yelled back happily as I looked over to see a tall slender boy with raven like black hair smoking a cigarette.

“Like, what you see”, asked the Hybrid smiling as if he won the lottery.  

“Ha- ha, funny”, I said rolling my eyes as I felt a poke to my side.

“Come, on lets go some where”, said Vincent as he threw his cigarette to the ground stomping it out with his combat boots. 

I sighed and returned to looking out at the forest from the patic fence I was sitting on, “Vin, you know my dad doesn’t like it when we hang out”, I said frowning.

That was true for some reason my dad hated the idea of Vin and I being together instead he was trying to enforce some beta named Sky who just joined our pack.

“Who, cares what the old man says unless you're scared”,said Vin as his blue  eyes flashed lime green.

“I’m not scared but are you”, I teased jumping off of the fence and landing gracefully onto the ground.

“Yeah, right princess”, said Vin rolling his eyes before grabbing my hand and running towards the forest. When he where at least far away from the house Vin stretched and then shifted into a huge black fluffy wolf.

 “Really”, I asked before transforming into a browninsh white wolf, I then walked pasted Vin brushing my tail against his snout before racing off father into the forest dodging trees and just enjoying the wind blowing against my fur. Suddenly I felt something hit me making me go flying hitting the ground and there standing over me was none other than Vin. I watched him instantly as if caught in a trance.

“Vin, I whispered as if his name softly.

“Ka..”, said Vin before he was interrupted when a tree branch snapped.

“Kase, your father is looking for you”,said a medium sized  brown wolf who I  knew was Sky.

“Right, sorry Vin”, I said pouting as I got up from off the ground and followed Sky back to the house through the bushes.

“So, what did my dad want”,I asked looking at my paws.

“Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you”, said Sky happily stopping in his tracks.

    “Look, Sky I’m not interested, I said walking around him and back to the huge white house that was gated off on a dirt road. Shifting I returned to my human form and walked into the house ignoring all the other wolves and going into my room slamming my door and locking it.

    I hated being a teen wolf it was so much frustration with living up to the pack reputation, finding a mate and going to highschool and lucky for my dad was the Alpha. So who ever ended up with me would rule the pack with me expect I would be the girl in the relationship and have the pups since I was a submissive wolf.

Let’s just hope I don’t end up with some douchebag.

Authornote- just something I wrote because I was bord anyways please comment and vote.

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