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     I laid in the grass enjoying the sun’s comforting touch upon my  slightly tanned skin. I loved this place it was a special place I had found when Vin and I were playing in the forest so it was kind of our place. Suddenly a creak of a tree branch echoed through the forest, instantly I looked at the direction the noise had came from but nothing was there so I returned to enjoying nature.

  I sat up and turned around.

“Boo”, yelled Vin making me scream like a girl.

I glared at him as he laughed.

“Awe, come on don’t be mad babe”,whispered Vin into my ear and I swear my face turned beat red.

“Shut, up”, I shuttered looking down at the grass.

“So, why was papa wolf so pissed today”,asked Vin as he scooted over so that we were lightly touching.

“Oh, haha your so funny but for your information my dad was pissed because he found out about us hanging out together in the forest”, I said in a bored tone.

“Mum huh”, said Vin getting quite.

I looked up and looked at his face something was definitely bothering Vin, he was never so quiet and he also had a sota distance look in his eyes. 

“Hey, are you okay”, I asked laying my hand onto his shoulder but he moved away from me and frowned.

“Yeah, I’m fine but I should go besides I promised my mom I’d help her with something”, said Vin as he quickly rushed onto his feet and left me sitting with my mouth gaping open like a fish.

Strange, but I guess I should also go since my dad‘s probably having a cow right now.. Sighing I got up as the wind blow my brown locks across my face making me  fight to keep my hair out of my face. After losing the battle against my hair  I walked back through the woods and to the pack house where my mom was sitting on the porch with two other she wolves.

I tried to make a dash into the house but was of course stopped,”Kase, where were you asked my mom as the other she wolves turned to me also waiting for an answer talk about embarrassing. 

“I went for a run”, I said then rushing into the house before she could bombard me with more questions.

“Hello, Kase”, said Sky as he stood by the door frame smiling.

“Sky, I said i….”.

“Hold, on Kase I just wanted to ask could I take you on a date and if you're still not interested then I’ll stop bothering you”, said Sky as his blue eyes stared into mine.

“Fine, one date”, I said before walking away lets just hope I don’t regret this.

Aunthor note- sorry it's a short chapter the next one will be longer promise.

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