The End

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  Its has been four years since Vincent left, life has been something I'll tell you that. The pack has calmed down over those years and has become what it use to be. Sky and I were now married, it wasn't my happiest moment of my life. To me I felt like a trophy wife to his friends and the rest of the pack members. Oliver is now four he was a sweet boy with  blue his and his father hair color.

    Everyone knows that Oliver is not Sky's child so I get really nervous about leaving my baby bug with him. The glares and whispers no longer brother me but it is hard when a four year old asks why does everyone hate him. I sat looking at the white wall of Sky's and my white room as he yelled about me being stupid and unattractive. I tried to black out every word as tiny tears fell down my bruised skin. Did I really deserves this pain and abuse. 

"Look, at me when I'm talking to you", roared Sky as he lifted his hand to slap me.

Flinching I closed my eyes waiting for the hit to come, but it never did instead I heard a yelling from my baby.

"Leave, my mommy alone", yelled Oliver.

I opened my eyes to see my baby eyes flash lime green the same color his father eyes used to flash. He stood glaring at Sky with his fangs bared. 

"Don't dare look at me with the same face he did",said Sky raising his hand about to strike. I jumped between the two as the sound of skin hitting skin echoed through the room. I heard Oliver gaps and Sky mumbling before the door slammed shut.

"Mommy", whimpered Oliver as he pulled my hand away from my cheek. My eyes trailed down to his face, he had tears streaming down his face.

"I'm okay hon",I whispered standing up reaching my hand out to Oli. He took my hand and I lead him to the bathroom sitting him onto the toilet. I went to the mirror  looking at my purple cheek. It began to heal turning back to its regular color.

"Mommy, why does Sky hit you and where is my real daddy at", questioned Oli. I turned to face my baby, he had his hands in  his lap looking down. 

"Sky, is just angry", I replied frowning.

"But, what about daddy", asked Oli.

I sigh,"mommy messed up big time and daddy went away before he had a chance to know about you Oli", I said watching my baby rub his teary eyes.

"Come, on lets go babe", I said picking up Oli of off the toilet stool. He wrapped his legs around my waist as we walked out of the bathroom connected to my room down stairs where the pack members were sitting eating lunch.  I payed them no mind as I walked into the kitchen with Oli's face bared in my shirt.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sky flirting with some she wolf who was twirling a piece of her blonde hair in her finger. Ignoring them I wen to the refrigerator gabbing a packet of apple dippers. I closed the refrigerator door and sat Oli on a bar stool giving him the packet to eat.

Walking around the counter to sir across from Oli, I sat laying my head down. I was so exhausted from the beatings and not to mention sometimes  the sexual abuse. I hated my life the only thing keeking me going was my son. My stomach growled but I payed no mind to it.

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