Chapter: 3

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Today was thursday  in the afternoon and I laying in a field in the forest waiting for Vin to show up. I wonder how he will react when he finds out about my date with Sky, I mean it’s not like we are dating or anything.

“Hey, princess whats up”, asked Vin as he sat down next to me.

“Nothing, much so ah um I have a date”, I said.

“Is that so, hows the lucky guy”, he asked pulling me into his lap.

“Skyr”, I whispered.

“Ha, that tool well then I have nothing to worry about”, said Vincent wrapping his arms around my waist.

Moments like this I loved and treasured, if only I could be with Vin then… but I must stop dreaming even if Vin and I wanted to be together the pack would never allow it. You see hybrids were frowned upon. It was said that two species blood lines shouldn’t be tinted.

“Why, the long face”, said Vin.

“Hey, Vin”,I asked.

“Yes”, he said.

“Nevermind”, I said sighing.

Vin suddenly turned me so that now my I sat in his lap facing him. Our faces were only inches apart. His eyes were no longer green but purple, we both leaned in closer  and I swear I thought we were going to kiss. 

But instead he reached forward and removed a orange left from my hair and smiled. 

“I-i have to go”,I said weakly.

“Right, you have a date with Mr. beta himself  well I’ll see you around then”, said Vin getting up also. Before I could say something he walked away, damn vampire speed.

When I got home I it was almost seven so I hurried inside and went up to my room, I went into my closet and took out a blue button up and a pair of gray skinny jeans. I stripped out of my clothes and went into my bathroom taking a nice hot shower. After I finished I dried off and got dressed I then flattened my messy hair and applied some eyeliner to make my brown eyes pop.

A knock echoed through my room. “Come in”, I yelled walking back into my bedroom.

My mom stood smiling sadly at me,”your date is down stairs sweetheart”, she said softly before leaving. I took a deep breath, I’m regretting every having to agree to Sky instead of going on this date I could be with Vin having fun.

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