Chapter 4

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Author note- just wanted to say guys this chapter is gonna be well kinda fucking sad in my opion anyways comment vote and well enjoy.

I woke up on the grass with Vin arm around me, I yawned and nudged his arm."Wake up babe",I whispered.

"No, give me five more minutes", mumbled Vin pulling me closer.

"Babe, we have to get up we're basely naked in a meadow", I said giggling.

"Right, sorry princess I forgot", he said letting me go.

We quickly got dressed and got onto Vin's motorcycle, I shouldn't have mated with Vin last night because my dad is going to kill me. Clenching Vin's shirt I tried to claim my thoughts but what if he killed Vin instead, I mean my dad has made it pretty clear that he hates Vin with a passion.

"Babe, we're at the the pack house", he whispered and quickly pecked my lips.

I blushed but the moment was soon ruined when all the pack members came out of the house, my dad stood in the front growing along with Sky.

"Kase, get over here", dad yelled using his alpha voice.

"N-no",I stuttered. I could feel my father's rage and it was making me shake. I calmed down when I felt Vin wrap his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

"Kase, I'm only going to say this one more time come here", roared my father.

"Dad, I won't mate with Sky, Vin is my true mate",I said gripping Vin's arm as if it was my life support.

"Kase, please tell me you didn't with this half breed", whispered my dad.

I looked away from his face,"Dad, did you forget I'm also a half breed", I whispered brokenly.

"Sir, can I say something", said Vin.

"No, you stay out of this I think you've done enough",yelled my dad.

"Dad, please listen", I yelled.

"No, lock Vicent in the basement till we break the bond and Kase if I found out you're pregnant ,you're getting a got dam abortion", he roared before a few pack member came taking a hold of Vin.

I watched as Vin glared at my father with pure hatred as he was taken away, oh goddess please tell me this is a bad dream. Tears streamed down my cheeks,"Dad, how could you", I screamed.

"Sky, take him to his room", whispered my dad before turning his back on me.

Sky grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the pack house. My wolf wanted to lash out on him but I knew my dad would just punish me for it.

When we got to my room Sky backed me up against a wall and growled at me. "Really, how could you ditch me on our date Kase and mate with that thing", he hissed as he gripped my arms to tight.

"I.."I said.

"Shut, up I don't wanna hear your got damn excuses do you know how embarrassing it was sitting there waiting for you to come back, seriously I love you so much Kase and the sad thing is you don't even know it, but I know I can show you", he said just as he slammed his lips against mine.

I bit his lip making him pull back and backhand me,"you will submit to me I' am your mate" he growled angrily.

"Gusse, again you ass hole", I yelled running into my room slamming my door closed.

I ran to my bed and buried my face into my pillows, I miss Vin and just thinking about what the other pack members were doing to him disgusted to my core.

Vin pov(:( )

I laid bleeding on the cold cemented ground. I was weak because a buch of dickheaded wolves decided to drain me of blood and fucking beat me half to death while I was chained to the wall with a heavy metal collar around my neck. I hope Kase wa okay, I really wish I could talk to him through our matting bound but since I was barely alive it was impossible at the moment.

All my senses were dulled and I had no idea how I would get Kase and me alive outta this. I could trick one of those stupid wolves and then attack them and drain their blood but what then. Kase was much safer in a pack then to become a rogue.

I heard footsteps coming towards the basement front door, closing my eyes and evening my breathing I pretend to be sleep.

Get, up you stupid half breed I know you're not asleep", yelled Sky as he kicked me in the stomach making blood fly out of my mouth.

"You, know I think he needs to learn his place", howled one of Sky's buddies.

"F..Fuck you",I yelled.

"Oh, really did ya hear that Sky he said fuck me", replied the boy laughing before he kicked me several times.

"I gotta go see Kase you guys take care of this piece of shit", yelled Sky leaving but not before he laughed and whispered,"have fun boys."

"Don't touch him you bastard ", I yelled.

"You'ld you know you should be worrying about your self and not Kase", other one of his friends said.

"Oh goddess", I whispered.

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