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Kase pov-

   I looked at the clock it was now nine thirty and everyone was asleep. I moved slowly away from Skys arm that laid across my waist. His arm hit the white bed sheets yet he didn’t wake up good the potion had worked. The whole house was knocked out, I quickly got out of my bedroom and ran down stairs to the basement.

  There laid Vin bloody, he opened his eyes and hissed at me as his lifeless eyes glared at me with so much hate that it broke my heart did he actually think that I would say I rejected him as a mate or loved Sky. I did love that bastard I hated him and the whole pack.

“Vincent , please listen to me I love you it was all just an act to trick the pack and Sky”, I said bending down so that I came face to face with my mate.

“Lies”, he spat with venom.

“Vin, please”, I whispered softly stroking his cheeks.

“You're, dead to me Kase”, he hissed.

I bit my lip as tears fell down my face,”so that’s it then.”

He stopped talking after I said that so I guess that was his answer. I took out the hey that was hidden in my pocket  and unlocked the collar that kept him tied to the wall.

“You need blood, here”, I said pressing his face into my neck.

I then took a deep breath as I felt two sharp pair of fangs tear into my skin. Pain exploded through my body as my head started to throb. 

“I should drink you dry but as thanks for slaving me I’ll spear your life”, he said prushing me away from him.

“Vin, listen..” i said

“Fuck off, I’m leave this place Kase and I never wanna see you again”, he yelled before he used his vampire speed and left.

So, that’s it huh just like that my life got shity. I walked back up the stairs and went back into my room and laid beside Sky this was my life now my choices lead to this but was I the one to really blame.

A month later_

I ran to the bathroom for the seventh time today, clenching my stomach. Its been a month since Vincent left. My dad and the pack think that one of Vincent vampire friends from his band helped him escape so I didn’t get any punishment that god or  this precious gift would probably be gone. Well you're probably wondering what I’m talking about well you see I’am with child. 

Sky thinks its his baby but really the baby  could be his or Vincent’s and that scares me because this baby will get a lot of shit from the pack. I flushed the toilet and  wished my mouth out. Taking a deep breath I slapped my face before opening the door where Sky stood with a beer in his hand.

He smiled at me happily, wrapping his arm around my waist he then guided me back down stairs where the pack was have a party. Everyone was happy, I find myself hoping that  Vin will forgive me one day . 

                                                   The End 

Author note- So, its the end I actually want it to be longer but I have no clue what to do if I do so its ending also I replied to your comments but for some reason it didn’t post my replies smh.

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