Chapter :5

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Vin- pov()

  A Splash echoed through the basement as I felt cold water pour onto me waking me up.

“Wake, up you piece of shit”, growled Sky as he kicked me.

Blood dripped down from my mouth, I bite back a growl and closed my eyes as the pain throughout my body throbbed.

“I see my friends had fun with you a lot”, said Sky laughing.

I looked away in disgust at the four wolves in front of me, what was the point in this type of torture just thinking about it makes me sick..

“Hey, Sky lets pull his fangs out”, one guy yelled.

“No, lets make him drink his own blood”,yelled another.

“Those, are all good suggestions boys but lets stay calm and just enjoy breaking down this fifty half bread”, yelled Sky.

A few more punches and kicks hit my body and it felt as if it was going to never end and when it did I ended up puking up blood all over the floor and on one of the wolfs shoes. 

“Now, you’ve done it”, hollered a wolf who I think was named Tyler.


Kase-- pov

Here I was sitting in the breakfast room eating while everyone talked to each other like nothing happened. I hope and pray to the goddess that Vin was alive and well. It been a month already and thank the goddess I not pregnant.

My dad has been having a talk with me  about reconsidering giving Sky a chance and after a month I had went on two more dates with Sky. I know call me horrible but he’s not as bad as I thought.

“Kase, are you okay”, asked my dad frowning.

“Of, course, where’s Sky at”, I asked.

“He’s taking care of the halfbreed”, replied one of the pack members laughing.

My heart broke into tiny pieces poor Vincent, to tell you the truth his mom hisses at me every time she sees me and tells me that I ruined her son’s life. It wasn’t that I wanted help Vin it was just I couldn’t go against my dad or the pack they were family and family stays together. 

So, I had to reject Vin we both know the risk and I think I was just so in love with the idea of doing something to piss my father off.

I excused myself from the table and walked upstairs to my room, I feel really bad and the screams of Vin didn’t help so when night time hit I sneaked down to the basement and there he laid all bloody with bruises covering his body. 

“Vin”, I whispered.

I watched as he sat up quickly and opened his eyes,”Kase.”

I walked over and cuffed his face frowning when he winced,”Forgive me Vin, but I reject you as my mate”, I whispered before backing away slowly.

“No, Kase don’t do this”, he begged.

“How, sad”, laughed Sky as he came over and kissed me on the lips.

The look on Vin face went from heartbroken to a darkened expression, farewell Vin, I thought as I kissed Sky back as much passion.

Author note- this might turn into a prequel  and end with about ten pages or I could combine the prequel to the other story, I don’t know can you guys help me out.  

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