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We were at the Curtis brothers house when soda came in "bre,cam we talk" I stood up and Johnny squeezed my hand I looked at him and nodded my head he let go and glared at soda,we went up to sodas room as he locked the door,I stood by the window and he stood by the door "bre why would u cheat on me" I walked slowly up to him "we weren't even together for 8 hours I didn't think you'd take it that serious,and why would u punch me" he looked at me annoyed "hey you stood in the way" I took a step closer "you called me a bitch" he took a step closer "you cheated" I took a step closer "well-" it hit me that this is my fault,not his,I cheated and all this happened,"I took it serious because I like you bre,ALOT" I took a step closer and not thinking I kissed him,I really do like him but I don't love him like Johnny,I couldn't stop though,he threw me on the bed and I followed,he took off his shirt and was about to kiss my neck before I heard the door open "I thought u locked it!" I whisper yelled "god I forgot about the key" he whispered back "OH MY GOD" pony yelled and covered his eyes trying to find his way out of the room "JOHNNY SHES CHEATING" he yelled Johnny came running "bre what the actual fuck,first soda,then me,and now soda make up your fucking mind,but for now,we're threw" he said storming out of the house pony gave me an angry look and walked out "I guess I should leave" I said putting my shirt back on and walking out of the room I went for walk,I we,t to the bridge and say on the wooden rail,it was thick enough to sit on without falling in,I just wanted to think,think about what I'm doing or what I did,Johnny told me to choose,it's easy,I want him but I can't keep doing this "well,well,well"  bob said coming behind me he was with cherry "hey grease" she said "wanna go for a swim?" Bob asked I tried to get my blade but they took it,great I have no defence,"I came here to think please don't" I said it was a far drop and there was a lot of rocks,I looked over and saw Johnny looking down not paying attention not know what was happening not knowing I was there "JOHNNY" I yelled he quickly looked up as bob pushed me "hope you die" I heard Cherry say "BRE" I heard Johnny yell not even a second after I got pushed,I knew the water was coming and eventually went under water,the current was strong,the water was ice cold and I'm not that great of a swimmer because I barely go swimming,the water was so cold to the point it was hard to move,I finally hit the top and got a gasp of air but a big ass log hit my head and I was knocked out cold under water,is this it?ill just let it happen...who knows how long I was out for but I woke up and shore and saw Johnny with cuts,bruises,and scratches all over him,he was out of breath and really pale,did he jump in to get me?i hold him tight crying to hope I didn't lose him,to my luck his eyes opened,he started coughing so I put him down I stood up and tried to get him back home,it was dark who knew what we were in for,"Johnny you have to help me out ok?" He finally got up,I put his arm around me and we started walking back,I saw the gang probably looking for us they ran as fast as they could,dally took Johnny and soda gave me his flannel to hopefully warm up,soda brought me up to his room and gave me a shirt to sleep in and gave me an extra blanket to warm up,he made me and Johnny some hot  chocolate,Johnny didn't have that much energy so he fell asleep on the couch,Steve got me some dry undergarments so I felt more comfy,soda put a movie on in his room and I fell asleep in his arms,I woke up a couple hours later and he was still awake "you ok?" He asked,I looked in his eyes,I felt so,s kind of way,idk if it was because I almost died or if it was because we made out earlier,I just got in top of him,"woah" he said in shock I just shushed him and got to work,I wanna see what soda will do for me,but I'm pretty sure he enjoyed what I did;)

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