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Later that day we were all watching a movie and Johnny wouldn't stop looking at me,I blushed hardcore,once it was finished the gang was about to leave until Steve said "hey you guys wanna stay for dinner? Harley brought over 10 steaks and bre was gonna barbecue them" Johnny instantly sat down "I wanna see how good she cooks" he said the gang laughed and agreed with him,I went outside with Harley,we were having so ,any funny convos,the steaks were done so I worked on the salad,"dinners ready" I yelled in the living room,they all ran in and started serving them selves,Johnny walked by me and grabbed me ass and I gasped of shock,and blushed,the gang noticed and so did Harley "you ok bre?" Soda asked I nodded my head and looked at Johnny,he was smirking,we sat down,it was like a huge family dinner,when we were done the gang left except Johnny,I wonder why? I put on a horror movie to keep Harley's attention off of me,she really loves these movies and gets almost hypnotized I scooted closer Johnny "I really need a release" he whispered in my ear kissing my neck real hard,that's gonna leave a hickey,I gasped,he's never been like this before,I kinda like it,"meet me in the bathroom" I whispered to him I hit up and went up to my bathroom,he came a few minutes after and locked the door and started to whisper dirty things to turn me on,we did the dirty and went back downstairs,she didn't even notice we were gone,he smiled at me "that was great" he whispered I winked at him,not gonna lie I really wanted to sleep after what we did,I fell asleep on him actually,I woke up,I was still on Johnny and Hadley was asleep too,I laughed and got up,"he baby girl" Johnny said while waking up,I went upstairs to wash my face,I had a couple hickeys "fuck" I whispered and covered them with makeup,Johnny had some too,I finally washed my face,and hopped in the shower,them I got ready,I wore some light ripped jeans,and a burgundy cropped hoodie with my black pumas,I curled my hair and put a black beanie over the top where it wasn't curled,I did my usual makeup and put my silver watch on,I went down stairs,the whole gang was there,no shock I saw Johnny and he came behind me and wrapped his arms around me "your so hot babe" he whispered I blushed,why has he been acting like this lately?,I'm not complaining,Harley left we said goodbye and she dashed on home,Steve and the Curtis brothers went out shopping because Steve got paid,it was just me and Johnny "come here" he said I sat on him  and pecked him on the lips and hugged him tight,I needed a cry because...

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