Chapter Three

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(Your Pov)
After their skit was over, we all were allowed to break into laughter without worry.
"Shit, it's getting a tiny bit late, I should probably get going!" I say, noticing that it was decently late.
"Do you want a ride back?" David offered, causing me to shake my head, there's no way I could let him do that, he's been so nice to me this whole time and so helpful. I couldn't make him drive me home.
"You guys have already been too nice to me, I'm pretty sure I can just walk back!" I say, giving them a reassuring smile.
"Well, at least let me walk you home...For safety reasons. Ya know, your head, it's LA, and late...It's the least I can offer." Alex says, making me contemplate.
"Only if you actually want to, don't feel forced to walk me home." I reply.
"Okay, let's get goin'!" He says, with a bright smile.
"Have fun ya young kids!" David calls out, causing Alex to flip him the bird.

"So, Alex...Why did you want to walk me home? Is there any other reason that you wanted to take me home? Or are you just a nice guy?" I ask, causing him to chuckle.
"Well, other than those reasons I gave you in the apartment, I wanted to walk you home so we could talk more!" He said, nervously giggling now.
"Why? I'm not interesting!" I say, clearing my throat.
"I sense, that's a lie! You are quite the opposite of not interesting." He says, causing a light blush to dust my cheeks...How am I interesting?
    With quite a bit of silence, I began to observe all around...Like how I always do.

    As we reach my dorm/apartment, I feel my heart sink...The time went too quick, I wish we would've talked more...
"I know this sounds weird, and you don't need to do it but...Could I h-have your number?" I ask, the shaking in my voice clear as day.
"Of course! You just saved me from asking that." He chuckled, causing relief to run through my body.
"Here." I say, handing him my phone, already on the Phone app.
After a minute or two, he handed me back my phone,"I'll text you when I get ready to go to bed, so then you'll have my number." I say, him nodding.
"Have a good night Alex." I say, causing a smile to appear on his face.
"You too, y/n!" He said, waving as he walked off.

As I closed to door, I felt so many emotions run through my body...I have new friends...Possibly...I don't know if they fully like me, they might've just been acting nice. Still, it got me joyous...I possibly have new friends!
    "Someone's happy!" BFF/n says, causing me to blush.
    "Was it a guy?!?" She asked, noticing my blush and demeanor.
    "It was multiple people! And I got one of the guys' numbers!" I yell, feeling my heart warm up.
    "What're their names?" She asks, giggling at my flustered self.
    "The guy that walked me home, his name is Alex. His other friend's names are; David and Dom." I say, with that. Her jaw dropped to the floor.
    "Did David have a camera?!?" She asks eagerly, in response, I nod.
    "OH MY FUCKING GOD! YOU MET DAVID DOBRIK AND HIS FRIENDS!" She yells, causing a confused face to be applied to my face.
    "I watch them! They used to be on Vine (RIP Vine)!" She says, I sort of follow what she's saying but...I don't watch or know them (you are oblivious in this story, just makes more sense).
    "They're pretty much famous!" She eventually says, shit...I guess I made friends with possible famous people, what they say about LA about meeting at least one famous person per day...I guess that's sort of true.

    "Well, I'm gonna go to sleep." I say, causing her to nod.
    "I doubt you'll go to sleep, you'll be textin' Alexxx. But, have a good night y/n!" She says, winking at me, causing a blush and a goofy smile appearing on my lips.

    Once I brushed my teeth and did my nightly routine, I got in bed and instantly got on my phone to text Alex. Once I clicked on the Phone app, I saw that he put his contact name as 🐰(Alex), I immediately burst into laughter...What's this boy doin' to me?

                      {Y - You   🐰 - Alex}
Y - Hey, if this Alex...It's me, y/n!
🐰 - Hey y/n, ya like my contact name?
Y - How could I not?😂 It's adorable
🐰 - Aww
Y - What?
🐰 - I was wanting more of a hottie vibe😪😂
Y - Aww, fine. Let's restart!
🐰 - Het y/n, ya like my contact name?
🐰 - That's better😊😂
Y - Anyways...I know it's a bit early to ask questions but, my roommate wanted to know. Is David, David Dobrik...From Vine? Idk, I stg, it's her being a fangirl and wanted to know if I met 'famous' people, her words are the famous. I've never had Vine on my phone
🐰 - Yup...He's David Dobrik, I'm Alex Ernst👍
Y - Ah, well...Shit, now you think I'm probably like a stalker or some shit. I promise on my life, it's my roommate that's the fangirl😂
🐰 - Hmmmm🤔Idk if I believe you🔍
Y - Why would I lie? I can get a lie detector if ya want!😂
🐰 - Nah, I believe ya
Y - Okay, and I probably won't bring her around you guys, tbqh...Because she basically melted when she pieced together who you guys were. I just said Alex, David and Dom...she questioned if David had a, I feel that it wouldn't be safe to see you guys😂
🐰 - I mean, if she wants to meet us terribly, I guess we could meet her...I'm definitely awkward with subscribers so, David would be a better person to meet than me.
Y - Okay, maybe I'll possibly bring her somewhere...But idk, I feel like she'd pass out😂
🐰 - Lol
Y - Anyways, I should probably go to sleep...I feel like I'm sorta bothering you and you need your sleep too...Goodnight🌙
🐰 - You're not bothering me, at all...But goodnight, babe😉😂

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I personally hate how this turned out but...I hope you guys liked it!

Posted - 17.7.8

Word Count - 1082 Words

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