Chapter Four

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  (Your Pov)
    As I awaken, I check my phone and see a notification on my lockscreen, causing a smile to creep up onto my lips.
🐰 - Wanna hang out?
  Y - I mean, I guess🙄
  Bæ🐰 - Wow...I already made someone hate me🤧
  Y - Just kiddinggggg, I'll be over in 20 mins...Gotta get some makeup on :)
  Bæ🐰 - You don't need any but. Fine.
  Y - Thanks for that mini confidence boost♥️
  Bæ🐰 - No need to thank me for speaking the truth

    As I blush, I think. He's just being a nice guy, he doesn't actually mean it.

  Y - I don't remember what apartment you are, I'm outside of the building though
  Bæ🐰 - Alright, I'll be down

    After about five minutes, I look up from my phone and notice Alex is in front of me. At this sudden notice, I slightly jump, causing him to chuckle.
    "You youngsters, not looking up from ya phones. Terrible!" He says, in an old man type voice.
    "Coming from a youngster himself!" I say, laughing midway.
    "Oh shit, I forgot." He says, chuckling, breaking out of character.
    "Maybe the memory loss is coming early for you though." I say, lightly giggling.
    "It definitely is." He says, gesturing for us to go to the apartment to finish the conversation.

    As we walk in, I have a weird feeling. The hair on my neck stands up and I feel goosebumps form on my skin, why?
    That question was soon answered.
    "Y/N!" Someone screams loudly, causing me to have a pure heart attack and falling on the floor.
    As I see that it was David with the camera, I raised my hand and flipped him off,"You fucking bitch." I eventually say, out of breath and shaking.
    "Fuck this shit, I'm going back home. I fucking hate you all." I say, chuckling lightly now.
    "We love you too!" Dom says, earning the middle finger.
    "You better put that in, or I'll fucking kill you!" I say, giving him the pure death glare.
    "Don't worry, I will." He says, I nod...Not moving from my position on the floor.

    "Alright, Alex, Dom, and y/n. I'm gonna head over to Liza's." David says, earning a nod from all three of us.
    "Ya know, I'm gonna go too." Says Dom, once again. Earning a nod. (To clarify, when Dom says 'I'm gonna go too' I didn't mean for it to sound like he was going to Liza's with David. I just meant that he was leaving.)
    "Since no one's here, wanna go somewhere?" Alex asks, causing me to shrug.
    "I don't care, where'd we go?" I ask; causing him to shrug. Not knowing where he'd want to go either.
    "I mean, I do know this one place. It's pronounced Tarjey for all the rich people! But the less rich people. It's pronounced Target." He says, causing me to choke on my drink.
    "Fuck yes, lets go bitch!" I say, jumping up.

After that lovely trip to Target (Where people stared at us like we were psychos. Which is understandable, we were acting stupid. Screwing around, making jokes, etc.), we went to Starbucks, and we eventually decided to go back to the apartment.

"Aww, the lovebirds are here!" Dom says as Alex and I walk into the room.
"Weed?" I ask, noticing the strange stench.
"Yup." Alex said,"David and I don't smoke though." I nod.
"I don't know how I didn't smell it yesterday, or notice the bongs." I say, giggling.
"Want a hit?" Dom asks, earning a no.
"Alright well, do you guys want to be in the video or..." He says, a shrug from me and a no from Alex.
"Do you want to go somewhere else or something?" Alex asks, scratching the back of his neck.
"Eh, I don't care." I say, causing a chuckle from him.
"There's either; my room, leaving the house and going somewhere else...Or, going to your place." He replies.
    "To not sound creepy, I just...I'm feelin' lazy so. Your room?" I say hesitantly, in response, he nods.
    "So. I present to you, Dom and I's room!" He says, opening the door to unveil: two beds, a 'signed' 007 poster, a closet, and a nightstand separating the beds (I believe there's a nightstand but...I don't know).
    After awhile of talking, I eventually got tired and fell asleep.

    As I awaken, I notice a pressure around my torso...Which I eventually find out is, someone's arm...?...Alex's arm...

  (Dom's Pov)
    After Seth and my crew finish recording and I finish editing the video. I decide that it's time that I should get some sleep. As I walk into Alex and I's room, I see y/n asleep on my bed...I see an opportunity.
    I pick y/n up and rest her on Alex's bed, he's asleep too...Maybe some accidental cuddling can happen (get your mind outta the gutter, not sex😂). They seem like they're hitting it off, Alex needs a girlfriend, seems perfect.

  (Your Pov)
    I feel myself begin to panic, oh my god...Fuck, do I still have my clothes on?! As I look down, I feel some relief go throughout my body...I'm still clothed, but that doesn't mean...Nothing happened...
    Alex, he wouldn't do anything. Right?

  (Alex's Pov)
    As I open my eyes slowly, I feel a light poke on my hand.
    "A-Alex...Are y-you awake?" Someone asks, her voice very shaky.
    I think for a little bit...I was only hanging out wi - y/n.
    I wait for a little bit till I eventually say,"Yup."
    "H-how'd I get in your bed?" She asks, making me think...Wait, how did she get in my bed?
    "I-I don't know..." I say, noticing that I had my arm wrapped around her. Immediately, I take my arm away.
    "Y-you didn't get in my bed did you? Maybe sleep walk?" I ask, trying to scrap up ways on how she could've gotten in my arms.
    "No, I'm not a sleepwalker...I mean, I was in Dom's bed...Maybe he moved me?" She says, a perplexed look on her face.
    "I mean...That makes the most sense." I say, lightly chuckling.
    "Well, I should get going. My friends might be worried." She says, giggling.
    "Y-yeah..." I say, not knowing what else to say.
    "Oh shit, do you want me to walk you home? I can get ready real quick!" I say before she walked out.
    "Ah, no...I can tell, you're tired, I don't want to bother you." She says...Why does she always worry she's a bother?!
    "Nope, I'm walking you home!" I say jumping out of the bed.
    "O-okay..." She says, a slight smile appearing on her lips.

So, once again...A weird way to leave off this chapter but, I hope you enjoyed it!

Posted - 17.13.8

Word Count - 1150 Words

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