Chapter Nine

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  (Your Pov)
I walk into Alex and David's apartment when I start hearing a light male moaning, joined with a woman's...I feel my heart drop once I noticed that it was coming from Alex and Dom's room, but I soon shake it off. Dom probably has some un-knowing girl (meaning that they don't know he's a 'player') in least, that's what I'm hoping.
    "Hey y/n!" Dom waves as he walks out of the apartment. I stood there in shock, wh-who is in there? I know, such a rhetorical question but...what can I say? I'm in shock, who wouldn't? When you know what you're going to witness, that's the worst feeling. It's like knowing that you're going to get murdered in the middle of the night, and there's nothing you can do to prevent just have to live throughout the day in pure horror.
    I soon get closer to the door, open it...and guess what I saw? You've got that right. Alex an-
another girl...
He love(d)s me...right?!
    "A-Alex?!" I speak up, as he turns around. I feel my heart sink. Someone I thought I could trust, right underneath him.

    "Y/n! Babe, wake up!" I hear as I'm shaken awake.
    "Alex?" I slur,"I-I thought you cheated on me..." I continue, while also letting tears flow down my face.
    "I love you, you know that I do." He says into my ear, I shake my head while still having tears run down my face.
    "I don't though...I just know that you say you do...I don't know who your heart desires, I don't know what goes on in your head. I'm not who you want though...I'm not good enough!" I say without breathing.
    "You think I don't love you?" He questions, his eyes a little watery.
    "Why would you? I'm not skinny, pretty, funny...I'm nothing (everyone is perfect, I'm just saying what I always think about myself, because I'm an insecure ass bitchhhh haha)" I say, causing a laugh to come from Alex.
    "What's so funny?"
    "Because, I think it's funny you think you aren't perfect." He says looking into my eyes.
    "What's funny is you think that I was joking. I'm nothing compared to every other girl..." I respond.
    "You're everything compared to other girls. Other girls I've dated, they've done things that I never want again." He says, causing me to have a slight smile.
    "Like what?" I press.
    "They start drama, use me, cheat, they are too clingy, they have ugly personalities, dramatic as fuck, I can go on all day." He says, causing me to laugh a little at his last remark.
    "You, you're beautiful, adorable, goofy, you're not clingy, you don't use me, once again...I could go on all day." He continues.
    "Ya're wrong about the 'not using you'...because, I am..." I say, pure confusion written all over his face.
    "For your lighting, remember?" I say while laughing.
    "I hate you!" He says while also tackling me.
    "I love you too." I respond, kissing his lips softly.
    "I'm glad you do..." He says once we depart.

Hey, it me, back again with the random chapter. And I'm also back with weird ending because I'm too exhausted to write more. But, anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's honestly like a vent chapter...but, whatever haha. SO sorry about this short chapter :,(

Posted - 17.2.12

Word Count - 579 Words

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