Chapter Five

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  (Your Pov)
As I await for Alex to finish getting 'ready', I hear some talking going on between Alex and Dom...I wonder why Dom put me in Alex's bed, if he did.
"Okay, ready." Alex says, his voice a bit rough, I nod.
"Alex, y/n...I just want to clear it up, I put you in Alex's bed. You were sleeping on my bed and I didn't want to put you on the ground or the couch." Dom says before we get to the door.
"Thank you for clearing that up, now I don't feel as awkward...And, sorry about sleeping in your bed." I say, causing a chuckle to come from Dom's mouth.
"Don't worry about it, anyways...I hope I didn't cause anything terrible between you two." He says, causing me to shake my head,"No, of course not, it just scared me for a second." I respond, a nervous laugh after.
"Sorry I caused that scare." Dom says,
"Seriously, it's alright!" I reply reassuring him.

When we reach my door, I feel the need to invite him in...He's allowed me into his apartment, why not return the favour...If it would be considered a favour.
"W-would you like to come in?" I eventually ask.
"I-Uh, sure." He says, a hint of nervousness going through his words.
"If you don't want to come in, you can just say no." I say, making sure it didn't seem like I was pressuring for him to come in.
"Sure, I'll come in." He says, causing the knot in my stomach to go away.

"I honestly feel like such fucking shit for sort of freaking out earlier..." I say breaking the ice.
"Don't, I was honestly freaking out too." He says, causing a laugh to come from both of us.
"Want anything to drink?" I ask as I stand up.
"If it isn't too much of a hassle." He responds, causing me to shake my head.

    "Here's some water, I forgot to ask you what you wanted so...I went with the most basic drink." I say, causing a smile to form on Alex's face.
    "Thank you." He responds, I nod as a no problem.

    "Hey umm, I should get outta your hair." Alex says.
    "You aren't in my hair, but if you want to leave...I don't want to stop you, so I don't sound like a cre-" I say as I was interrupted by screaming.
    "Y-YOU'RE ALEX E-ERNST!!" Yells BFF/n, causing me to cover my face from pure embarrassment.
"That is my name." Says a calm Alex, sounding a bit uncomfortable.
"I-Can I have a picture with you?" She asks, as I'm still unable to remove my hands from covering my face.
"Sure!" He replies, I can hear her lightly giggle.

As the conversation between Alex and BFF/n closes, I eventually look up.
"Well, I better leave you two alone. I'm sorry if I interrupted something!" She apologetically says.
"It's alright." Both Alex and I respond.
"Okay well, bye!" She says, waving and heading back to her room.

"Hey...I wanted to apologize because she freaked out..." I say as Alex steps out of the door, pure embarrassment written all over my face.
"No, no. You warned me anyways." He says, chuckling.
"Yeah but...I still feel terrible..." I say looking down.
"Seriously, don't." He says, lightly lifting up my chin and looking deep into my e/c eyes as I observe his blue/green ones.
"I-I'll try..." I respond, our gaze tearing apart.
"Well...Text me when you get back to your apartment, I want to make sure you get back safe!" I say, causing a nod from him.
"Don't be surprised if I invite you back over tonight, I get sick of just hanging out with Dom, Seth, David, and others...I can't get sick of you or Bailey though." He says, a smile creeping up onto my face.
"I definitely wouldn't decline it." I say, causing a smile to reach his lips.

Terrible chapter but...Oh well, I hope you enjoyed!

Posted - 17.18.8

Word Count - 691 Words

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