Chapter Seven

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(Your Pov)
    "So...How did it feel to kiss the one and only, Alex Ernst?" David asks.
    "I mean, I think he needs a bit of improvement." I jokingly respond,"I'm just kiddinggg, you're a GREAT kisser." I also say, laughter erupting throughout the friends.
    "What was good about it?" Asks Liza, whom was scooting closer to hear.
    "This is just plain weird!" I say, nervously laughing, looking over at Alex.
    "Y-yeah...I'm gonna get some air." Alex says, getting up from his position on the floor.
    "I'll do so too." I say, getting up from my spot and going the opposite of where Alex went.

As I step outside, I sit down on the step...I run through the events that had just occurred, I breathe in and out; to get my heart rate back to normal.
After I think about what just happened, I start to think through all of the past, when I first met Alex...The circumstances of meeting him, all the time we spent together, how close we were (and still are). I think about all those things, and I feel my heart flutter...Wait, does that mean I have feelings for—no...Maybe...

(Alex's Pov)
As I'm standing outside, I expected that y/n would follow...Guess not...
I look in through the window and notice y/n isn't in there.
"Where'd y/n go?" I ask David, in response, he points to the other door.

(Your Pov)
"Whatcha thinkin' about? I mean, I think I have an idea what you're thinking about...But, okay, I need to shut up." A nervous voice says, interrupting the silence.
"Y-yeah..." Is all I could say, I'm unable to do anything...Because I've come to the realization, I've fallen for Alex Ernst...And the thing is, I know he doesn't have mutual feelings.
"S-so, you wanna talk about-"
"Do you have feelings for me?" I interrupt, feeling regret run throughout my body as I notice what I had just said.
"Never mind, just kidding!" I say, trying to save what I had just asked.
"To answer that question, yes." He blankly says, an all serious tone.
"Seriously?" I question, confused.
"Uh, I, um..." He says, his face fully pink.
"Ale-" I say, interrupted halfway.
"I get it, I understand." He says, lightly laughing and getting up.
"If you had let me finish, you would've known that I have feelings for you too." I say, causing him to stop in his tracks.
I look away, and soon felt soft lips land on my own, I wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss by lightly pushing his hand on the back of my head.
"YES, I HAVE THAT ON CAMERA!!" Yells an overly excited David, causing us to separate.
"It's gonna be such good clickbait!" David says, causing all of us to laugh.
"Um...David?" I say.
"Can...Can you not put that part in? I..." I say, having difficulty trying to find the right words.
"Wait, are you guys dating or no?" David asks, a perplexed look spread across his pale face; causing me to look over at Alex, whom was scratching the back of his neck.
"I think what she's wanting to say is, she wants it out of the public eye. Like how you and I kept it secret." Liza speaks up, a nod coming from Alex and me.
"Oh umm...Sure, I guess, but I'm still using when you guys kissed before, when it was the dare!" He says, we nod.
"Alright, let's get back inside." David says, causing a nod from all of us.
"We'll be in there in a second." Alex says.
"Okay, but don't be kissin' and makin' out out here." David says laughing.
As Liza goes inside, she looks back, and I give her a Thank you so much look...She smiles in response.
"So...Y/n, will you make me the happiest man on the planet and date me?" Alex asks, chuckling afterward.
"I shall give you that honour!" I say, a smile spreading across Alex and I's lips.
As we walk around the house, to get back in, I feel a hand wrap around mine. I look up at Alex who is facing forward and smiling a toothy smile.
We step in and walk over to the spot where David and Liza sat, Alex and I separating our hands...Sadly.

"That's it for today's video, make sure you like and subscribe. I will link Liza and Alex's channels in the description below, y/n doesn't have one but...Maybe it's in the works...? Anyways, go buy the Clickbait merch, along with Scotty's because it's going to be discontinued (Scotty's). You may be asking David, why are you discontinuing it? The answer to that is, we're making room for MORE Scotty merch! Come on out Scotty!" David says, turning the camera toward Scotty, who was wearing his new merch." David says, following that, he turns off his camera.
" guys ARE dating, right?" David asks, anticipation for the answer written all over his face.
    "Nah, I don't really feel anything towards him." I say, trying to contain my laughter.
    "You're kidding right?!" David asks, disbelief in his eyes.
    "Yup!" I says, bursting into laughter.
    "Oh my god, you have no fucking idea how confused I was!" David yells while laughing.

    After hanging out for quite awhile, I begin to feel tired; and apparently everyone else is tired along with me, because they decide to leave. David, Liza, Alex and I are the last to leave. When we leave, we all say our goodbyes and head to David's Tesla.
    "So, y/n, do you want me to drop you off at your house or do you want to go back to the apartment...Oh, and you've never seen my house. Have you?" He says, I shake my head to his last question.
    "I've only seen it on the occasional vlog here and there." I respond, causing his mouth to crumple into an o shape.
    "You watch my vlogs?! That's surprising." He says while giggling, I nod whilst giggling.
    "So, pick your poison." Liza says smiling.
    "I umm, whichever is best for you guys." I reply.
    "Well, I'm a self-absorbed prick, I'll take you to my house!" He jokingly says.
    "Alright, can't wait to see it!" I say, feeling a bit excited.

    As we arrive, I feel my jaw drop...This place is way bigger than I had expected. Damn.
    "What the actual FUCK David?! Damn, Liza step out. I'm takin' David from ya! You can take Alex." I say, waving her away and jokingly getting close to David. (Not actually getting close enough to even touch him though)
    "Dammit, thought I had a girl for once. But I'm stuck with a little boy." Alex says, causing an offended Liza to lightly slap his shoulder, all of us erupting into fits of laughter.
    "David, that'd be an amazing skit..?" I say hesitantly, causing an excited look to be applied to his pale face.
    "You are so fucking right!" He says, getting his camera out quicker than a cheetah runs for its prey.

    After the skit is done, he puts the camera on me and says,"Thanks to y/n, this skit was brought to life. If that's the right way to say it!"
    In response, since I don't know what to say, I just smile and wave.

This is a weird note to finish off on, I just want to get something out because I feel so terrible for continuing to not write. Hope you enjoyed!

Posted - 17.11.9

Word Count - 1280 Words

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