[Chapter Twenty-Four] I Just Don't Know

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Chapter Twenty-Four – I Just Don't Know
Bailey's Pov

I walked out of his room a week ago, and besides him showing up a few hours later I haven't heard anything since. He hasn't been coming out of his room so I don't know how to feel.

Was he upset? How was he doing? Was he avoiding me?

I didn't know if I had pushed him away for good now. With spending so much time apart does he even still want to be around me or did he realize that he didn't give a damn anymore?

I've been trying not to obsess over it all this week and spent a bunch of time with Lacey. With it just being her and I we talked so much more and we got to really know each other.

I told her about Drew, well that he existed. I didn't go into detail about him. She told me about her two older brothers and little sister and she had no problem talking about her family. It sounded like they were such nice people.

Her parents have been married twenty five years and they came to visit her every weekend, sometimes her siblings would come to see her too, when they could.

Her face would light up when she would talk about them; it was a happiness that you usually wouldn't see in here and one I envied. I wished I was as close with my family as she seemed to be with hers. They accepted her mistake and were trying to help her as much as they could.

She was so open about everything. I knew that I would miss her so much when she got out of here; I knew it wouldn't be too long now. She was almost to acceptance, and she would do great outside of here with the help of her family.

She kept assuring me that we would keep in touch and that she would always be there for me, and I believed her. Lacey was the sister to me that I never had and the best friend I always wanted.

She was so understanding and patient with me, and even though I knew she was a total lesbian it didn't bother me at all. I respected her choice and was proud that she wasn't afraid of that.

Since I was having trouble with everything Lacey would come and bring me food and curl up In bed with me at night. We would watch movies and play silly games all night. She was particularly good at rummy, which she was currently kicking my ass in, again.

"Do you think it's stupid of me to have feelings for him?" I asked her, we've been avoiding the topic that is him for almost a week.

"No I don't. You two understand each other. It makes a strong bond."

"I just worry I can't be enough for him to make it work past in here, so if it can't work what's the point in it, you know?" I didn't want to get attached for him to leave and never talk to me again, it would help now but hurt later, and I wasn't prepared or willing to go through that hurt right now.

"Maybe that's something you need to talk to him about, but I don't think that he'll just cut you out when he leaves. You don't even see the way he looks at you." she smiled at me and I looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?" I set down a run of fives and she smirked, I didn't like that look. Either it had to do with him or I was about to lose, again.

"I mean he looks at you like you're the light in the darkness. In here people get dark and he was as shut off as they get, but with you he smiles and laughs and talks. You're like his personal ray of sunshine." She teased in a funny accent. And then she went out. Damn her!

She smirked in satisfaction, but she didn't have a drop card so I had one more chance! At least I could get rid of one of my aces. I picked one up and nearly jumped up to do a victory dance and then put down three aces.

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