[Chapter Forty-Two] Closure and New Beginnings

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Chapter Forty-Two – Closure and New Beginnings
Bailey's Pov

"Tell me you're kidding; tell me right fucking now that this is a big fucking joke!" I yelled angrily and he shook his head

"No, his mother and I slept together at a team party and she got pregnant, we're trying to make things work for Micah" he said and I was beyond furious right now, beyond. I can't remember the last time I felt this angry in a quick movement I slapped him across the face

"How fucking dare you sit there and say those thing to me, call me a whore, tell me you can't wait until I detox, leave me with them and they have the fucking audacity to come back and play perfect brother, interrogate my boyfriend, say horrible things about me and then you tell me you've been fucking random girls and you now have a damn kid!" I yelled and I took a swing at him again and he let me

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, that wasn't my intention coming here but seeing him made me angry and I'm sorry!" he grabbed my arms to stop me from hitting him again

"Sorry doesn't take it all back!" I screamed

"I know it doesn't but I don't want us to be like this anymore!" he said frustrated

"That was your choice Drew!"

"Bailey just fucking look at us, stop for a minute and look at us! We're fucking twenty years old I let that many years go without word between us, six fucking years!" he yelled and I cried

"You left me with them, you knew how dad was." I cried to him

"I know, I'm so sorry but I don't want to spend the next sixty plus years like we spend the last six, I don't want it to be like that anymore. I want to be here for you and to help you. I want you to meet Micah and Kenna, I want you to get past this." he said and the sincerity in his voice both calmed and angered me.

"A baby Drew; all these years of lecturing me about sex and you have a baby." I shook my head and he looked down at the ground and released me and I stepped away from him

"I know but please let me try. I'll call more, you can call. I can see if Kenna will come with me in a year when my contract is up is If can be transferred here. I'll try harder, I promise." He said desperately.

"I don't think."

"Pretty girl stop pushing people away." Julian wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his damn near stomach since he was so tall

"He has a kid" I pointed at Drew and Julian glared at him

"Nice man, real fucking nice." He rolled his eyes at him

"Do mom and dad know?" I asked

"Hell no and it's going to stay that way, right." He looked pointedly at me and I held my hands up in surrender

"It's not my place to tell, hell I probably wouldn't tell them if I had kids either and they aren't invited to my wedding." I never wanted my parents there on the happiest day of my life, hell no.

"Is there something I should know?" Drew asked looking between us and my face flamed and he smiled down at me.

"No, at least not currently." He said and my eyes widened as I looked up at him, he did not just say that.

"What? The hell does that mean?" I asked him and he kissed me quickly

"It means that maybe I'll want to marry you one day, pretty girl. Who knows what the future holds. I just know either way my life was better by meeting you and you will always be the first girl I ever loved" the sincerity and love and emotion was all just too much and he wiped away a single tear I let escape before I buried my face against him embarrassed.

"Thank you for taking care of her." Drew said to Julian as he looked curiously between us and he didn't take his eyes off me

"Of course." I loved the feeling of being close to him, of feeling safe, protected, loved, cherished, just wanted. He showed me feelings I never thought I could have and he brings out both the best and the worse in me.

But the most important thing to me is his acceptance in me.

He knows what I'm going through and he sees and feels my struggles. We will always have this terrible addiction in our lives and it gets easier but it will always be there and he knows that.

He's not going to point out my mistakes unless they'll help me, he's not going to just dump me because he can't handle what I've done, I will never have to worry about that.

Until I got a little taste of the outside world with the cocaine and Drew I never gave much thought to how things would work when we got out of here. I never thought about it continuing and I never thought about it ending and now I felt we had a lot to talk about.

"Pretty girl." Julian shook me lightly and I looked up at him

"Yeah?" I asked confused and he smiled lightly

"I said are you going to give this a chance?" he asked looking over at Drew and Drew looked so damn unsure right now and I was feeling unsure but with Julian by my side encouraging me to mend things it made me want to.

He's never steered me wrong and has always encouraged what's best for me and if he truly hated Drew he would have pulled me from the room by now.

I stepped away from Julian and Drew flinched slightly as I walked over to him, a frown set on his face and I looked up at him a little, he was only slightly taller than I was, well slightly taller in my opinion, my was my little brother but eight minutes and seven sevon seconds. 

He was more like a foot taller but hey, who cares?

I reached out and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he let out a breath it seems he was holding and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist as his body relaxed at the contact.

"I love you Bay." He whispered to me "I promise I won't let you down again, I'm so sorry for everything I said and I swear to you it's going to be different and maybe when you're up for it I'll fly you to Spain and you can meet Micah and Kenna, both of you maybe." He suggested

"Maybe, I'd love to meet my little nephew." I smiled and I cried because I haven't felt this at home since before I found out he was leaving.

Julian makes me feel loved and protected and safe but the kind of familiarity and safety my brothers' hugs gave me were completely different and I couldn't wait to meet Micah one day. I fell in love with Julian all over again for what he did for me with my brother, the lengths he went to, to make me happy, just everything about him

I loved him for everything he was, everything he's gone through and the kind of man he is and is becoming again. I'm so proud of him and I really hope that things work out past this place for us because if they didn't it would hurt like hell.

"When are you heading back?" I asked him

"I have to leave in a couple days; it was hard enough getting this time off. But you can call and I'll call if I'm allowed." I nodded sadly, I wished that he still lived close, I would settle for this country but the cold hard truth was that he didn't and I had to just take his word and hope things could get better from here.

"Well we have a lot to catch up on then." He smiled at me and Julian squeezed my hand encouragingly.

"Would you like me to leave?" he asked, not having a problem either way

"You can stay, looks like we'll both be sticking around a while so we may as well try to clear the air." Drew said and you could still see the hostility between them; it was a lot less now but they still weren't sure about each other but they would put up with it for me.

Julian always called Lacey and I his girls, these are my boys right in front of me.

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