[Chapter Thirty-One] A True Best Friend

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Chapter Thirty-One – A True Best Friend
Bailey's Pov

A lot has changed in the two weeks since my birthday. Julian was opening up to Robert about his father which was an unexpected surprise. He was handling it better than we had thought he would. He would tell me about their sessions and I was more proud of him every single day. Robert was working with Lacey on her anxiety about leaving next week and we tried to keep her as distracted as possible.

When you had your date to leave they worked with you and brought in your family too so they could go over ways to make it easier. The first month out was when people would relapse most. The first couple weeks would be okay and then temptation would be too much.

I think that was helping her too, knowing she wouldn't be alone when she left. She knew that, but it didn't seem to register until her family would come in a couple times a week too. I was really glad my parents chose this place now.

Martin Rehabilitation Facility is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my short twenty years on this earth.

At least a couple times a week we would go down to the beach at night and swim until sunset before we would get out and watch it side by side on the beach. I knew these days were numbered and while it wouldn't be goodbye forever it would be goodbye for a while and I would miss her here with me and eventually I would be sitting here on my own.

It looked like Julian was close to getting his date too, and that was what I was working with Robert on right now, struggling to accept them leaving. Over the past couple weeks I've gotten closer to Kylie and I would spend time with her to give Julian and Lacey some time together just like Julian would for us.

She's told me a little bit about herself; the things Lacey was talking about a month ago.

Kylie was a drug addict and a prostitute and it was hell for her to get clean. She was forced in rehab too and has been clean about four years.

There were some nights Julian would sleep in his room so Lacey and I could spend some quality time together.

"How are you feeling, exactly one week and I won't have a roommate." I told her and she sighed

"Better than before, I'm still scared but those meetings with my parents are really helping. I guess I just needed that to know they won't abandon me and make me do it on my own, not that I every actually thought they would, but the scared and irrational part of me was worried about it."

"You do like to be irrational." I said and she laughed and hit my arm

"Shut up."

"I'm good, I like talking."

"Pain in the ass." She started it

"Annoying." I retaliated

"Irritating." She turned towards me challengingly

"Grumpy." I laughed

"Brat." Was that all she had

"Moody." This was like a game to us

"Damn it." she cursed and I smiled in triumph.

"I win." I rubbed it in

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She waved her hand in dismissal, she hated it when I won.

"I'm going to miss you, promise you'll come back and visit or at least call." I said and she hooked her pinkie with me

"Promise. You know, without you and Julian I don't think I could have done this." she told me

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