Chapter 7

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(Sorry this is a really long chapter, but it's so good and exciting!)

Millie POV
I was hiding out in the bushes by Finn's house to see if he was lying to me or not. I saw he ran out of his house holding food, comics, and a book bag. It looked like he was running to my house. I suddenly jolted up and started to run silently after him but then he passed my house. Where was he going with all that stuff. I kept running after him and then he came to a stop at another house that was close to mine. He knocked on the door and Someone opened. I couldn't really see who, but I then saw they had short hair, and they were wearing a black shirt, and jeans. I then knew who it was. It was jack! I told him to stay away! I then saw jack slam the door. I sighed a sigh of relief when he slammed the door on Finn. I got so happy until I heard another knock. No one opened so jack was listening to me. I then walked away to my house. Jack wasn't opening the door, and Finn was free. As I was walking home I saw him sitting on jacks doorstep. I called him and said "hey can you come over?" He then said "sorry I'm still at the dinner, I'll talk to you later"
I hung up in anger. I bursted through my front door and sat on my bed just staring at the wall thinking of possibilities on why he was blowing me off.

Finn POV
I feel bad that I keep lying to Millie but it's for the best. I can't believe jack doesn't want to see me. Is he mad at me? What did I do? He seemed really angry and mad when he answered. Seeing him sad crushed my heart. I need to fix whatever is going on between him and I. I decided to try again. This time his mom opened and said "Finn, jack doesn't want to see you right now, please leave." I couldn't just give up. I said "please mrs. Grazer, i need to know what's going on with jack. Please!" She sighed and said "alright, please just be gentle, he's really sad right now." I smiled and walked in. Jack was laying down crying in his bed. When I saw him my heart was broken. I didn't like seeing him like this. I sat next to him and said "jack what's going on?" He looked at me and just looked back down. I sighed and said "jack please" I rested my hand on his shoulder and he swatted it away. I was holding back the tears from streaming down my face. He said "Finn leave me alone." He started to cry and I said "no, jack I'm not going to leave you alone, tell me what's wrong." He looked up and said "Finn, Millie threatened to tell something to the whole school if I keep talking or hanging around you." I then was concerned about what she would tell the school that's so secret he would have to stay away from me. I didn't want to make anything worse so I didn't ask. All I did was say "jack, don't listen to her, I'll tell her to stop hurting you and making you feel like this, jack it's ok." I pulled him in closer and he laid his head on my shoulder. He stopped crying and he said "Finn what if she doesn't listen to you, what if, she tell the whole school, the thing?" I sighed and said "she won't, I won't let her" he smiled and said "thanks Finn" I smiled back and said "anything for you jack" we both just sat there in silence. My heart was now fixed, it was now back together. Jack was in my arms. I just wish this could last forever. I then felt a tug, an invisible tug pulling me closer to jack. He looked me in the eyes and I did the same. I leaned in and so did he, our lips pressed. I've never felt this way with Millie. The spark I felt just got bigger. Our lips were warm against each other's, I felt so safe and happy. Jack suddenly pulled away. His cheeks were a light shade of red, so were mine. My cheeks were heated. My lips still felt a little tingly, I still felt his lips against mine. My heart was beating twice as fast. I smiled and said "h-here I brought you some comics, food, and some movies." I grabbed everything out of my backpack and he smiled and said "t-thanks F-Finn" I smiled and said "you're welcome, um...I'll get going."

Jack POV
When we kissed I felt a spark, our lips were warm and close. When I pulled away my cheeks were a light shade of red and they were very heated, so were Finn's. My heart was beating like a drum. All thoughts were pushed out of my head except for the thought of Finn's lips against mine. He smile and said "h-here I brought you some comics, food, and some movies." I smiled and said "t-thanks F-Finn" he smiled back and said "you're welcome, um...I'll get going." My heart sunk. I wanted him to stay. I hid my longing, and said "ok, I guess I'll see you later" he walked out of my room and I heard a slight "yes" it was muffled. I then laid in my bed thinking, all the thoughts rushed back in. What about Millie, why did Finn kiss me, he has a girlfriend, he obviously thought it was a mistake, what did that kiss mean? All those thoughts flooded my mind. I didn't know what to do. I fell asleep, dreaming about Finn.

Finn POV
I got home and went in my room. I sat on my bed thinking about that kiss. The kiss that made my heart flutter and skip a beat, the kiss that made me feel special and wanted, the kiss that changed how much I wanted him, I want him so much more now. I was stuck in my thoughts until I got a call from Millie, I picked up and the first thing I heard was her angry voice. I didn't know why, but she was angry.

Millie: Finn I know you weren't at dinner. You're lying to me.
Finn: what? How in the world do you know? I'm not lying?
Millie: yes you are! I saw you head to Jack's house earlier, I called you when you were sitting at the porch, you said you were home eating dinner!
Finn: you followed me?! Millie that's creepy!
Millie: I'm sorry Finn! I needed to know what was going on between you two.
Finn: nothing is going on! We are friends that's all! He wasn't feeling well so I went to cheer him up.
Millie: Finn I'm sorry
Finn: Millie, why would you threaten jack!? The poor kid is now scared of seeing me! Don't you dare tell the school whatever it is he's keeping a secret!
Millie: whatever bye Finn!

When she ended the call I was furious! Why in the world was she so jealous all the time! I get it but gosh poor jack is now scared of seeing me. I feel bad talking to Millie like that but it's true. I decided to text her. Even though I didn't want her as my girlfriend doesn't mean I don't want her as my friend.

Finn: sorry that I screamed, I was just a little mad, I'm sorry
Millie: it's ok Finn, I'm sorry too.
Finn: alright goodnight
Millie: goodnight

Now that we were ok, she won't tell the school about jack. I get what it's like having a secret. He doesn't deserve all this stress. I laid down and fell asleep.

I hope you liked it! What going to happen next? Is Millie still mad at Finn? Will she tell the school? Did Finn and Jack feel the same way about each other? Will Finn breakup with Millie soon? What will happen with jack? Stick around for the answers!

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