The Beginnings

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Ever since the darkness had spread over the Elemental Realm of Aralu, the Air Realm, a group of Elemental friends known as "The Magic Ones," had to come together to stop the evil from spreading. There was the leader, Aqua, who was the only one still protecting the Realms from evil. The rest of The Magic Ones were out in their realms. Aqua had blue eyes that resembled his passion for Water Realm, for he was the almighty protector. He had blue hair the color of a newborn Sea. His skin pale and slightly blue, like most other Elementals according to their Magical Abilities. Aqua loved his Realm, and always despised the Darkness Realm, so he vowed to protect it even if it costs his life. Luckily, Aqua wasn't the only one who wanted to stop the Darkness Realm from spreading across the other Realms, there was the Air Elemental Gust, the best friend of Aqua Who had his home Realm Aralu taken by the Darkness. Gust's Gray-White Hair that looked as if was always slightly being blown by the breeze of his Element. His skin was light gray, the color of the Tornadoes he controlled. His eyes Light Gray as if they were bottoms of clouds that the sun had been peeking down on them from above. Gust had powerful magic, and he was the protector of Aralu. 

Aqua and Gust were in Ferala, The Fire Realm, looking for Ember, the Fire Elemental. They were in town buying potions and a map of Ferala, when they had seen a thief robbing the Magic shop, carrying many magic battle items and potions. "Don't let him get away." Aqua said to Gust, who was already prepared with a gray glow emitting from his fists. "Should i do it?" he asked Aqua, who was charging an Amulet around his neck. "Yes. Take him down." Aqua said. Gust flew with the power of wind pushing him to the skies, and spotted the thief running to a nearby cliff side, then appearing to jump off. All Gust could see now was the Red-Black sky of Ferala. So Gust flew over with the wind in his feet, seeing the thief enter a black field, burnt from the fire in the Realm. Aqua, however was still in town, charging his mysterious amulet. Gust chased the thief down and landed in front of him. "Drop everything you have stolen." Gust said, and Threatened him by lifting a fist with a breeze circling around it. The thief said nothing, spun around, and kept running. "You've brought me no choice." Gust said, and opened his fist into an open hand, and lifted it to the skies, causing a breeze to lift the thief, and slam him down hard. He began to lift his hand again, but stopped when the thief said, "Okay, im sorry! ill give you the stolen items and please, leave me alone!" Gust lowered his hand, and the thief gave him the items. "Remember this day. and dont ever come back to the Town." Gust said, with a slight echo to his voice.

Back in the town, Aqua had finished charging his amulet, and was now sitting, waiting for Gust to come back, and when he did, Gust had returned The items to the Magic shop. "Get him?" Aqua asked very calmly. "I did." Gust said, even more Calmly. "Anyways, Aqua." Gust began. "Whats with that Amulet you're always charging when danger is near?" Aqua turned to look Gust dead in the eyes. His blue eyes glimmered. "Its a Water Amulet, Passed down from King of my Realm, Atlanthia, the Water Realm." he stopped and gripped the amulet tightly. "Its said to bring Strength and new power to Any Elemental Near." Gust was satisfied with his answer, and said "Yes, i did realize the Breeze of my magic was a lot stronger." Aqua Nodded, and said "But it can also bring power to the Bad ones." Gust Slightly tilted his head. "The Bad ones?" he Asked, getting up and signaling Aqua that they should start moving. "Yes. The Bad Elementals. Corrupted from their souls always tortured in the Darkness Realm for Decades." Aqua looked at the ground as they were moving toward a shop. "Their souls taken from their bodies, and replaced the original's soul with corrupted versions of themselves. Turning their skin a darker color than normal." Aqua looked up at Gust and stated, "So i have to be very careful when using it." Gust looked very interested in the story of The Bad Ones, but kept his questions in as they entered the shop, and were greeted to a gruesome sight.

The Magic Ones: Darkness TakeoverWhere stories live. Discover now