The Prison

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"This is my brother, Tide. No time to explain. I knew he was here." Aqua and Tide shot a double stream of steaming water toward Bones, who was knocked down, and Terra summoned a rock big enough to hold him down. "Keep him there for now. Terra, stay here and watch Ember along with Bones. make sure he doesn't escape" Aqua said, walking away with Tide. "Wow. its been so long!" Tide said, his voice trailing off as they walked farther into the Prison, passing many Elementals who were all in chains. "Right, Tide. But we must get these Elementals out. Its so weird theres no guard here."

"Huh.." Terra said, "You killed The Magic Ones." She repeated what Bones had said, and thought about it for a long time, and then got up, and picked up Ember, and preformed a  green glowing healing spell on her head, and set her back down. "That should help her awaken faster." She said, and started looking at Elementals in cells, who were begging to be let out. "Dont worry, Elementals. Tide and Aqua are finding a way to get you out of here." Many cheers and sighs of relief were let out all around her, and all went quiet until a loud crash broke all the silence around them. "Who's there!?" Terra shouted down a hall, as a Darkness Elemental emerged, and he looked almost five times her size. "Uhh.. this isnt good" She said to herself. "Now i know why theres no other guards here.." The huge elemental had black hair, and was very chubby with a large mace weapon, and had black armor on, but was barlely shining in the gloom of the Darkness realm. He also had scars over his eye and neck. He turned and saw Terra in the dim-lit hallway, and yelled in a gruff, booming voice, "Hey! How did you escape your cell! you shouldn't have been able to use your Elemental abilities behind those Dispelling Iron bars!" He started charging toward Terra and Ember along with Bones under the rock, who was knocked out cold from the hard blow to his chest. "Ugh!" Terra said, as the huge Darkness Elemental swung at her with a large mace, hitting her to the wall. "Ow!" She said, in pain. "If thats how you wanna play, Then lets go!" She said, and attacked the large Elemental with a Huge rock, hit him, and dust went everywhere. She leaped off the wall that she had destroyed. "Direct hit!" she said, but was startled to see him emerge completely unharmed except a small scratch on his arm. "It barely hurt him!" She said to herself. The elemental grabbed her by her green grassy suit, lifted her, and threw her from inside of the prison through the door, smashing it to bits. "Ugh!" Terra said, with a large gnash in her side, blood spilling from it. "no..." she said silently. "Not this way.." The large Elemental started toward her, and growled in a deep voice, "You're over." and started to swing his mace, but was stopped by a Light of flame from behind him. "You wont destroy a Magic One that easily." a voice said, and out of the Flame emerged a fire elemental, who wasn't Ember but resembled her greatly, but with spiked hair and was a boy. "Not with the help of a Fire Elemental. "Thank.. You." Terra said, and started healing herself. "I may not be part of The Magic Ones." He started, "But i know you hurt that Fire Elemental in there. Ember, was it?" The Fire Elemental  looked as if he had no idea who Ember was while looking back at her, but knew he wouldn't let any of the Magic Ones die near him. "You think you can beat me? when YOU'RE NOT A MAGIC ONE!?" The Darkness Elemental said in a Rough voice. "HAH! you wish, kid." He said, and swung at the Boy, and missed. "And my names not 'Kid'," he said, "Its Lucas. I know its not an Elemental name, but thats not important." He shot a flame toward The Dark Demon. "And you hit my cell with your little mace there and freed me." He said, "And your gonna regret that." He summoned a Sword glowing with the power of fire, and swiftly sped toward the Dark Elemental, and stabbed his chest twice, once in the heart, and once in the lung. "UGHHH!" He screamed, as he blew into a black goop, his mace fell to the ground, along with a few potions of Healing. "Terra, was it?" Lucas started, "You okay?" He said as he started pouring a Red color healing potion in her side, revealing her green skin again, but she still had a rip in her green-and-brown suit, now showing her greenish skin. "Yeah, thanks." She said, and walked over to Ember, and dripped the rest of some of the healing potion she took out of Lucas's hand. "Ugh.." Ember groaned as she awoken. "th-thanks Terra." She said, and Terra responded with, "It wasn't me, it was this Fire Elemental who saved us. He has an incredible sword of fire." Ember got up, saw him and hugged him. Startled, Lucas almost fell over. "Oh, i-its no problem... ive been trained by the King of Ferala for this kind of enemy, but they locked me up a few days ag-" "Thank you.." Ember said, let go, and stepped back quickly.

"Well.. the sounds stopped." Tide said, talking about the battle with Terra and Lucas "Yeah.. i hope they're okay." Aqua said, worried. "But at least we've found this lever behind all these black robes, we can now free the Elementals." He said, and pulled it, and thousands of cheers and claps echoed as the gates opened, and feet stepped left and right like a stampede of zebreas after seeing a cheetah out of the Prison, and into the portal back to the Magic Realm. "We did it, but this isn't why we came here" Aqua said. "We are here to find Gust and Fawn, too." He turned to Tide, and asked, "Would you help us on our way to finding them?" Tide smiled and said, "Of course, brother."

"Lucas.." Terra started, "Do you think you could aid us on finding two others of the magic ones?" Lucas turned to Terra, grabbed her hand and said, "Gladly, Terra. I'd always help the Magic Ones any time, and if were going to head into the castle or something, we will need a strong group." Aqua and Tide emerged from the Darkness of the prison, and said, "Tide will be joining us on the journey to find Fawn and Gust." All 5 of them agreed, and started out to the castle after picking up Bones and giving him to an Elemental heading to the Magic Realm, and said "Let him try to calm down, try to let his sanity recover." Aqua said, and they left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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